And is WordPress Theme Developer and WordPress Developer are same or different?
]]>I want to play audio once some click on Listen Now Buton on hero section wordpress without redirect to other page.
Just when some one click onlisten now button. audio player start music below
let me know solutions i tried all possible way.
reference website functionality
can someplease please customize this code so that these extra field will hide only for other roles user not for admin
function remove_extra_field_profile()
$current_file_url = preg_replace( "#\?.*#" , "" , basename( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) );
if( $current_file_url == "profile.php" )
add_action( 'wp_loaded', function(){ ob_start("profile_callback"); } );
add_action( 'shutdown', function(){ ob_end_flush(); } );
add_action( 'init', 'remove_extra_field_profile' );
function profile_callback( $html )
$profile_dom = new DOMDocument;
$profile_dom->loadHTML( $html );
$all_lines = $profile_dom->getElementsByTagname( 'tr' );
$excludes = array(
'show-admin-bar user-admin-bar-front-wrap',
$deletes = array();
foreach ( $all_lines as $line )
$tr_calss = $line->getAttribute("class");
if( in_array( $tr_calss, $excludes ) )
$deletes[] = $line;
$deletes[] = $profile_dom->getElementsByTagname( 'h2' )->item(0);
foreach ($deletes as $delete)
$delete->parentNode->removeChild( $delete );
return $profile_dom->saveHTML();
]]>Enjoy guys…
Recommendations are welcome, please help!
Thank you!
]]>I am wordpress developer, i am interested to buy this Give plugins and need to be update my website like this
So what are the ad dons need to buy to achieve the same functions, can you please help me so i can buy for this