When I delete the index.php file from file manager it generate automaticaly with the code belongs to right side of the picture.
2. Wordfence cant rapair this core file
When we try to repair the index.php file from wordfence then the following dialog is apearing but not repairing the file.
Please guys help, how to protect wordpress website from virus attacks. My websites have so many unknown files and folders. redirection on unknow sites when menu click.
I have tried all but none to them is working, and got hacked.
I installed Wordfence and did the scan and it found the hack and deleted the file from the 3 sites effected. I checked my other sites and they were fine.
It was fine for a while, but now it came back despite having Wordfence installed and it actually seems to have stopped the Wordfence scans to find it.
I have deleted the files again with Wordfence, but I’m not sure how it is getting installed. I checked the common plugins and the only common ones are on all my sites rather than just on the 3 hacked ones.
Does anyone know how this is getting in?
]]>I have backup so restore my backup. And again with few days it get hacked.
Although I have used wordfrence but it does not worked for me. I have tried several things from restricting file modifications on server level to working on htaccess. It work for some time and again it got hacked.
Please advice me how can I fix it?
]]>My website was the victim of a pharma hack. Whenever the site was loaded through a search engine it would take you to an online pharmacy (viagra etc).
I managed to remove all the bad files using wordfence but unfortunately there is still an issue – when you load from search engines it does not take to the site, just a 404 error saying it cant find one of the [bad] files removed.
To see for yourself type in the exact domain name into google (all the other pages seem to have been removed from the SERPS).
Can anyone help?
]]>Site info:
WordPress: 5.4.1
PHP 7.3.17
All plugins and themes are up to date.
Recently the site got hacked I’ve installed different security plugins Itheme Security, WordFence Security, and Sucuri before it got hacked. We recently revert the website back to the previous state, however once a week the hacker will change everything again. After reverting the site we changed all login, DB, and FTP details but that didn’t help.
All the entries – post/page/image description – were corrupted with this script:
[ Deleted, do not post malware code on this site ]
Can someone advise what to do? Or have a solution to prevent SQL injections?
Check this link Video of error
Check This Website Redirected From Goolge
]]>I wonder if somebody could help.
Gateway Anti-Virus Alert
This request is blocked by the Firewall Gateway Anti-Virus Service. Name: C99Shell.F (Trojan) blocked.
I can’t update menu, URL and cannot add media files or search plugins and themes cause of this. Can some one help me out? I uploaded a plugin which helped me delete “eval” virus but still having this problem.