Is there a way to turn it off?
]]>I have 2 days with this issue when I want do login to my admin panel:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method
WPSEO_Utils::register_cache_clear_option() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/admin/class-admin.php on line 63
I do downground for the version 2.1 but is not resolve the problem.
What I can do please?
Thank you very much!
]]>Went tonight to create a carousel and clicked the Shortcodes Ultimate button and nothing happened. I disabled all plugins, and it worked. Started enabling pluigins one at a time and found out that with WordPress SEO activated Shortcodes Ultimate will not work.
Given that both a very popular plugins, I’m sure this is already on the radar, but if not I just wanted to report. If this is an identified issue, has anyone found a workaround?
]]>I hope you can help me. I am using the breadcrumb function of the plugin wordpress seo from Yoast.
I activated the function breadcrumb.
On all pages it works, but not on the events detail pages.
It should for example look like that:
Home ? TRIZ Schulung ? TRIZ Strategie & Forecast
but it looks always like that
Home ? Veranstaltungen ? TRIZ Strategie & Forecast
“TRIZ Schulung” is the main navi item and it has several submenu items, which are events detailed pages.
On the “TRIZ Schulung” page, which is the preinstalled events page, I have add my own html (removed CONTENT). on the seo tool I have tell, that the breadcrumb is “TRIZ Schulung”, but it shows always only “Veranstaltungen”.
If I open the page “TRIZ Schulung”, the breadcrumb is correct, it shows: Home ? TRIZ Schulung
Do you have an advice how I can change that?
Many many thanks
M. Ersoy
]]>Can someone tell a fix for this problem.
]]>I have a fairly large website, i will provide link at the bottom of the post if your interested in checking it out.
Its the first website ive built that has over 100 pages, we actually have over 1500 pages and counting.
The issue i have, not having built anything this big before is this;
We have several restaurants on the website. For example;
Name of restaurant: Akvavit Grill and Bar
Focus Keyword: Akvavit Grill and Bar
Your focus keyword was found in:
Article Heading: Yes (1)
Page title: Yes (1)
Page URL: Yes (1)
Content: Yes (6)
Meta description: Yes (1)
So this seems fine to me.
The issue im concerned about is this message:
You’ve used this focus keyword 81 times before, it’s probably a good idea to read this post on cornerstone content and improve your keyword strategy.
After reading the articles on the suggested pages i still dont really have an answer to my problem.
Akvavit Grill and Bar has a write up/article written on our website which needs to rank for focus keyword “akvavit grill and bar”. Its there main page (Cornerstone page) and from here we have anchor links and internal links all the important information and relevant pages.
Now, each of our restaurants will have there full food and drink menu on our website. From the restaurants food and drink menu customers can leave reviews for the last meal they ate at the restaurant.
Each menu item available for review will have its own page created. Akvavit has 126 pages created for all its menu items.
As it stands ive added “Akvavit Grill and Bar” as the focus keyword to the pages which is why i have the warning above that the keyword was found 83 times throughout the website.
Im using a plugin to markup my schema so google should know which pages are articles and which are reviews.
Do i need to be concerned about this message “You’ve used this focus keyword 81 times before, it’s probably a good idea to read this post on cornerstone content and improve your keyword strategy.”????
What would be the best way to approach what im trying to achieve?
What about, if instead of the focus keyword for the menu item pages being the same as the restaurant it was something more like “Pattaya Restaurant Reviews”? Then Use Pattaya “Restaurant Reviews” for every page created for the menu items for all the restaurants on the website which is around 1500 pages?
Or maybe the Focus keyword for the menu items should include the restaurant name but include the word review?
I dont know what can be done to get around this warning message about repeated keyword usage, regardless of what i do. If i add a focus keyword to these pages it will be repeated numerous times.
There isnt much content on the page and i dont expect the individual pages to rank for Akvavit grill and bar. I considered setting these pages to no follow and no index but i want them to be crawled and indexed by google as i want to use the rich snippet date collected from the review system.
Sorry for the long post, any help or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks
]]>Yoast SEO is not working correctly. It’s not pulling from my post title to create the “Preview Snippet” and the Add Media and Insert Link buttons aren’t working.
Both the Add Media and Insert Link buttons work fine when I deactivate the plug-in. I have already tried it on another browser and it still doesn’t work.
This has been happening on and off ever since I upgraded to WordPress 4.0.
My blog is
Thanks for your help!
At first I assumed it was an issue with my host (Media Temple – Managed Wordress Hosting), as I couldn’t even access the images directly (eg.
So I waited a bit, and when that didn’t work, I deactivated WordPress SEO on a whim. The images suddenly started working again! I reactivated the plugin and everything seemed fine, so I chalked it up to a coincidence.
But the same thing happened again this morning, and again after deactivating and reactivating the plugin, the images came back up.
I have no idea why this would be happening, as there really is nothing in the settings that has to do with images as far as I can tell.
Any thoughts?
]]>I’ve done two new posts on the site in question, but the sitemap doesn’t show either of these two posts. I thought maybe it was just a timing issue, so I waited a few hours but nothing has changed.
The sitemap in question is:
As you should be able to see, the last posts that show up in the sitemap are dated 10/28, even though two new posts went up today.
I tried the suggestions in the support forum (unchecking the XML sitemap button, saving, rechecking, then saving again, etc), but none of that has had any effect.
Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated!
]]>I was checking all the settings and it seems our sitemap is empty. I have checked both and (it redirects to the first one).
Any idea why is this happening and how to fix it? I can’t find anything wrong with the current settings.