“There is an error in loading config.xml”
Config.xml I have permissions 777 and 755 have tested
Thank you.
]]>I have installed this neat and nice plugin in my website. But there is a little problem.
I have no problem in the gallery home page (https://it-nameh.com/video-home/) but the sidebar is messed up in video details page (https://it-nameh.com/videogallery/test/). I have read some reviews on the Internet that say the problem might be caused by not-closed div tag, but I cannot exactly the problem and solution for my site.
I’ve installed WordPress 4.5.3. for Perisan language and WordPress Video Gallery v. 3.0.
Thank you
]]>That ends assisted video, like the next automatically start was by category.
At the moment when a video ends, I am taken to the next recent video, but this mix categories, and I would like a referral in the latest of that same category.
My problem:
The next video is a Film, but should be the episode 11
]]>1o- I use in my homepage shortcodes “[categoryvideothumb type=category id=2 rows=1 cols=2]”
How I do to decrease the horizontal size and mainly the vertical between each video thumbnail?
2o- The widget “Contus video search” does not work, when I type the name of a video and click on the search, the right sidebar goes left and the rest of the page is blank.
For more information and examples following the website link: https://animabaka.com/
Thanks and sorry my bad English
]]>I have installed the wordpress video gallery3.0 plugin recently in my website.I can able to post the youtube urls successfully into this but when I click on the posted link,the video is not playing.Its showing that video not found.
I am new to wordpress,Could you please help to fix this issues.
]]>I’m on WordPress video gallery and i’ve got a problem when i upload a file, it’s about the size i want to have no limit for size of the video.. i don’t find how modify that ?
Can you help me ?
Thanks you.