Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/9617676/html/wp-content/plugins/visual-editor-custom-buttons/js/button-1-14.js) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/9617676/html/wp-content/plugins/visual-editor-custom-buttons/visual-editor-custom-buttons.php on line 904
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/76/9617676/html/wp-content/plugins/visual-editor-custom-buttons/visual-editor-custom-buttons.php:904) in /home/content/76/9617676/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1171
]]>Original code:
<div class="banner-box">
<h1>Powerful One page Theme</h1>
<div class="sub-title">Based on Bootstrap framework and Shortcodes, quick set and easy build,
shines one page small business website.</div>
<div class="banner-scroll"><a class="scroll" href="#about" data-section="about"><img src="https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/down.png" alt="" /></a></div>
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After switching to visual editor:
<div class="banner-box">
<h1>Powerful One page Theme</h1>
<div class="sub-title">Based on Bootstrap framework and Shortcodes, quick set and easy build,
shines one page small business website.</div>
<div class="banner-scroll"><a class="scroll" href="#about" data-section="about"><img src="https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/themes/onetone/images/down.png" alt="" /></a></div>
<div class="banner-sns"></div>
]]>Thanks in Advance.
]]>I’d really appreciate it if someone could tell me something about this bug quickly, my site is a large news site.
No, it’s not a plug-in.
It’s WordPress 3.9.1….
420NewsWire – www.420newswire.com
Would the installation/uninstall have affected some of the WP code!?
Any idea of how I can fix this?
]]>I am having problem in my WordPress admin panel, It was working fine, But today i saw while adding a new post i saw this kind of thing: https://xtreamefun.com/Wordpress.jpg
The visual editor and Html editor gets splitted.. I have de-activated all the plugins but the same problem..the problem is that the Visual Editor in WordPress is missing.
I have de-activated all plugings as advised – the problem is still there, on all pages.
I ran a full back-up last night, and this morning up-loaded and installed new wp-admin and wp-include folders, overwriting the existing folders – the problem is still there.
All plugings that are not being used have been deleted, all themes have been deleted.
I have checked that in Users, ‘Disable Visual Editor’ is not checked.
Please let me know the solution ASAP..