Now the problem is action schedual has pass due crons so its doing them very slowly but more so its causing MySql to use a LOT of CPU power causing everything to slow down.
Server is a VPS with 8cores 12gb ram and 500gb ssd
I have modified via WHM the inoodb cache to match what the Physical Ram has (2/3rds) so instead of taking 700% cpu and 5% memory its doing less CPU and more memory (now like 15-25%) so back end is a little moveable than before.
My only thought is that the crons are taking waaay too much resource
on WP Control i noticed this
“wt_iew_do_cron_import” shows on Recurrence
This interval is less than the WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT
constant which is set to 60 seconds. Events that use it may not run on time.
and on Scheduled Actions shows this
“Action Scheduler migration in progress. The list of scheduled actions may be incomplete.”
whats showing is the following
Search hook, args and claim ID: Select bulk action
16,733 items? ? Current Page of 1,674 Next page? Last page?
This is records for 3 years mind you it was nearly 18k past-due 2-3 days ago I have put the site on maintanance mode and stop the imports of products and de-activated google ads/facebook/mailchimp hopefully causing it to skip but its still busy going slowly and eating CPU
Under logs on the top (oldest) past due is
I really need help here I dont know how WP CLI works i have access to WHM and CPanel etc i can modify the config files if have to etc i just need to know what to do.
or do i delete all past due what would happen cause the front page they look right.
]]>Here is my command server side:
/”address to exe”/php /”address to wp cron file”/wp-cron.php
Here is my hook:
function myapp_cron_test()
mail(‘my email address’, ‘TEST CRON EVENT’, ‘test cron event by server cron job – OK’);
add_action( ‘humveg_cron_test’, ‘myapp_cron_test’ );
why is it not working ? thanks….
]]>First time trying your plugin and immeditely noticed an issue with deleting custom cron jobs.
From the main “Cron Events” tab filtered by “All Events”, I am unable to delete or edit any of the custom cron jobs I’ve added. It gives me a “cron job does not exist” message.
If I filter it by “Custom Events”, then I can delete / edit them, but only the ones that have actions associated with them.
If I filter it by “Events with no action”, then I can delete / edit them, but only the ones that do not have actions associated with them.
Took me a while to figure out how to edit / delete custom cron jobs, and I almost uninstalled before stumbling upon the “filter by” trick to get it done.
If I’m on the main plugin “Cron Events” page without filters, editing / deleting custom cron jobs just does not work. Says the selected job does not exist, when it clearly does.
]]>i try the 1.8.5 version and it works
]]>I would like know, if i can update wordpress stocks by taking a csv file from drive with Wp Crontrol? And how?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
]]>When an order is made on our website, Woocommerce produce an action wc-admin_import_customer and wc-admin_import_order.
These actions are set as pending in Woocommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions.
The administrator must run these actions manually so that stats appear in Woocommerce.
After 15 years of using wordpress, I am still puzzled on why plugin developers don’t make things simply simple….and I work in I.T.
WP Control seems the panacea for Woocommerce Admin as it allows administrator t
to schedule actions and schedule times for when the action must run.
So I set up wc-admin_import_customer and wc-admin_import_order hook in WP Control in the hope these hooks will run scheduled actions in Woocommerce….and guess what, the did not.
So, in layman’s term: what can I use this plugin for and does it really work for triggering hooks like wc-admin_import_order and wc-admin_import_customer
Guys….please make things intuitively intuitive for the common people out there. AN make guides and tutorials clear….don’t speak I.T….Speak the people’s language!!!
thank you and merry Christmas everyone
Best, Andrea
]]>Event is:
fiveb_cron_daily None fiveb_button_cron() 2019-06-07 01:09:00 (15 hours 53 minutes) Once Daily
And System Cron:
wget -q
(runs at 1:10 am every day)
But the hooked function never runs. First thing it is supposed to do is write to a file and I know the function works since I have a duplicate function also running from a clickable button.
Sorry to bother you but I tried the WordPress forums and have not gotten a good answer. This seems like it should be so simple??
]]>add_action( 'fiveb_cron_daily', 'fiveb_button_cron' );
The first thing fiveb_button_cron does is write to a file that is has run and then it is supposed to execute another function but it never happens. I have an admin clickable function that is almost exactly the same thing that runs perfectly whenever I click the button in admin (writes to the file and executes function).
Using the plugin wp-control to execute the cron job with settings:
fiveb_cron_daily None fiveb_button_cron() 2019-06-07 01:09:00 (15 hours 53 minutes) Once Daily
I am lost on what to do next. I really need this function to run on its own at 1:09 am every morning. Any idea how to proceed would be helpful!!
]]>Followed instructions on your Github wiki page (“3.3 Troubleshooting Automatic Updates”).
Installed WP Control plugin to check cron processes…
I noticed that there are 2 processes for both plugins (“wp_update_plugins()”) and theme (“wp_update_themes()”).
Both are scheduled to run twice a day (next run at 8:46 PM).
Searching in your WP forum I noticed that hosting providers could be an issue (our provider is Namecheap) and also security plugins (I’m using iThemes Security plugin)…
is there any log file I can check?
Any clues?
Thanks for any help!
Best regards,