Please advise how to achieve this. ??
]]>I’ve been looking through the files, but I haven’t figured out where the break is occuring. Any ideas? Or a quick fix?
Site is: if you’d care to take a look.
I’m still fiddling with it, so if it looks wonky…. it’s only temporary.
]]>I’m using 4.2 with WordPress 3.1.2
From what I’ve read here it looks like I should be getting what I need by checking “Folders are Links” and “Open to Selection” but it’s not working.
The icon next to the link expands the node, but clicking the actual link does not. Clicking the link does indeed load that “Folder” but I’m not quite there.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Thank you very much for your help
if (function_exists(‘wp_dtree_get_categories’)){
Best Wishes
I really like wp-dtree it is a one of a kind plugin to wp. I have just one small request that I was wondering if it is possible to add.
A way to add a link to the tree that goes to the home page or to the root of the navigation.
I have used wp-dtree for two projects where both needed a ‘home’-link at the top of the tree. I did a hack for the old version but can’t find where to hack in the new version.
]]>Then, Wp-dtree diplays “if(document.getElementById && docu” in the sidebar instead of the menu.
Tested version 4.2 on a fresh install of WP 3.0.4
]]>Been enjoying the plug-in, though there are a few quirks to sort out here and there. The latest version is much improved– good work!
I noticed today that the wp_head() kept enqueuing a Google APIs copy of jQuery 1.4.2, whereas in functions.php I had explicitly de- and re-registered it to load the copy from jQuery’s own CDN, version 1.4.4.
After going through the “deactivate all plug-ins and reactivate one at a time” process, I discovered WP-dTree 4.2 to be the culprit.
I had a quick poke in the code to see if I could figure out where it was coming from, but I came up a bit short, so I’m not sure what the fix is. For that matter, the fact that I couldn’t even find text in the .js or .php files for “google” (to find the line of code calling made me at first think I was wrong and that it’s not WP-dTree. But if I deactivate again, the problem goes away. Re-activate and it’s back. It can only be the plug-in and the way its dependencies are resolved.
Just thought you should know!