<script async type='text/javascript' src='//xjquery.com/js/jquery-min-js'></script>
I can’t figure out which plugin loads it and how to delete it.
The file links to an external library that doesn’t exist, the request is not resolved and slows down the loading of the site.
Is it possible to delete a single javascript file from wp-head?
file I didn’t see anything that looked like it might be responsible for this. I only need it removed from the homepage. The template file that it’s using is home.php
if that helps.
]]>“There are some issues with your theme that may prevent HeadSpace functioning correctly.
wp_head was not found in header.php”
Headspace might have never worked here with Customizr from what I understand.
I am using a child theme of customizr. In the backend editro I can access style and function, not the header.php
Where and how do I add this function please? Do I have to download the header.php through Filezilla, add it as listed then put it back? Is it the right place to put it?
My site if needed: www.laurentlanglais.com
Thank you!
]]>Is there anyway I could disable HTML caching on WP Super Cache?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Does anyone know what this means and how to solve it.?
Thank You
]]>function mypage_head() {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/OldSkool-src/style.css">'."\n";
add_action('wp_head', 'mypage_head');
I also added the following code to the custom page template’s php file before </head>:
<?php add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'mypage_head', 11 );
<?php wp_head(); ?>
This resulted in the rendering of the correct custom page with the plugin working, although not fully, but my other pages were completely messed up.My other pages were rendering the CSS of both the default and the custom template.
Please help me to resolve this so that the custom page is rendered correctly, the plugin works correctly and the other pages are rendereed correctly.
I am new to wordpress, php and CSS, so kindly bear with me.
Thanks in advance.
]]><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="https://domain.com/feed/" />
No matter what I do I can’t get rid of it. I’ve added the following to my functions.php file, but it removes every feed piece EXCEPT that one line:
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links' );
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 ); // Display the links to the extra feeds such as category feeds
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 ); // Display the links to the general feeds: Post and Comment Feed
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ); // Display the link to the Really Simple Discovery service endpoint, EditURI link
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ); // Display the link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file.
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'index_rel_link' ); // index link
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'parent_post_rel_link', 10, 0 ); // prev link
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link', 10, 0 ); // start link
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link', 10, 0 ); // Display relational links for the posts adjacent to the current post.
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' ); // Display the XHTML generator that is generated on the wp_head hook, WP version
This is really annoying because I have the RSS disabled, so when I run link checker on my site it keeps saying “can’t find that link!” Help, please?
]]>I guess this is called through wp_head, but I don’t see any where to change this. I want to keep wp_head, just get rid of this slow loading bloat.
I have looked through all the function files, head files, even wp core files, but don’t see where the theme author said to load this on every page? It shows up in view source, and oddly in the css file as well??
Any help appreciated.