I am designing a website turionit.com ( now in maintenance mode). I want to start a blog as this link : blog.turionit.com. As far as I know it is a sub domain. Is it possible to manage the blog.turionit.com with single wordpress installation( I have already installed on tuirionit.com)
That means simply I want to have a blog link blog.turionit.com but I want to manage it with turionit wordpress dashboard. is it possible? if possible how can I do it?
Thank a lot!
However, there are times when I get errors when I experiment with some plugin or the other. I cannot troubleshoot them and that leads me to start the site from scratch over and over again. So:
Is there a way to set up the wordpress locally, so that I can play there and when I’m sure of my changes transfer them to the site’s server. Google and blogs throw up so many options – it’s confusing!
Is there a way to completely uninstall plugins? When I mess up in Woocommerce (or any other plugin), even uninstalling doesn’t remove the changes.
]]>I am not new to WordPress, I have maintained a couple of WP blogs for about 7 years now. Yet –to use an automotive metaphor– I just drove it, but I have never properly looked under the hood. So, while I could manage theme configuration, using and tweaking plugins and editing CSS, I have no knowledge of MySQL (which is what my host uses). And, yes, I use the services of paid webhosting service, which offers WordPress.
Now my problem. Three days ago, there was a problem with two of my WP installs. Both WP blogs no longer showed at all.
I called the Call Center of my webhost, and they told me that, while the database was in order, there was a problem with the pointer. They guided me through the process of resetting the pointer in MySQL. To me the pointer looked OK, since it indicated the subdirectory where my blog had always been, say: oxyz.com/mina. Yet they insisted that I should change the pointer to the root: oxyz.com . I thought ”well, this person must know better” and, eager to see my blog reappear, I went along. So I changed the pointer to the root.
After the call center person told me she changed stuff on the htpaccess, at last the blog reappeared, links and images and categories working just fine.
Only afterwards did I notice that now this blog’s first page appeared indeed in the root, thus in oxyz.com, and had thus replaced a welcome page I used to have there. I checked in the File Manager to check if the WP had been physically moved to the root, but NO, it still appears in the right place, in the subdirectory, in oxyz.com/mina.
Besides, when I navigate in the blog itself, I noticed that all the links to posts, or categories, or tags, lead to files that are located in the subdirectory oxyz.com/mina. Same thing for the images, they are located in the subdirectory, on urls like https://www.oxyz.com/smina/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Oracolul_3.jpg
So, my question to you is this: How shall I proceed to have my blog back to its original location, that is in the subdirectory, instead of the root?
I should add that a side problem created by this situation is that, when I tried to reinstall another blog that used to be in a non-related subdirectory (oxyz.com/kidlit/book), the call center person installed in a subdirectory that appears to be oxyz.com/kidlit/book, but that physycally (as seen in the File Manager) is actually located in oxyz.com/mina/kidlit/book, which reallly creates a whole mess.
I would appreciate any help with this situation. Thahnk you!
(Note: I have replaced the actual urls with shorter ones, for commodity’s sake).
]]>The original site was at domain.com/wordpress because they currently have a site on the root. Last minute they decided to change hosts, so while I’m at it, i figured i would put it on the root of the new server.
They provided a host (godaddy) which had wordpress pre-installed. the DB had a different prefix from the previous host. So I downloaded the SQL, edited the prefix within, cleared data on the new DB and uploaded. I switched the site URL and I can see the site (almost perfect).
I went to login, and get insufficient permission error. I looked up and found a force upgrade script — which worked (sorta). I can now login to wordpress, but the menu is gone. I can’t access pages, plugins, appearance, etc. Before I transferred the site and just logged into the default WordPress site, the menus were there, so some link must be missing between my new DB and the WP interface menus. should i check my wp_content folder? is there something in my DB that links it all together? could use some ideas.
]]>Stats: Ubuntu 15.10
Lamp: latest stack version.
WP: 4.3.1
Folder & File permissions:
owner: Myself – read and write <– my username, lets’ call it Johnny
group: www-data – read and write
others: read-only
I migrated yesterday from 15.04 to 15.10, and got this problem when I reinstalled Xampp. Today I installed a fresh copy of 15.10 with the Lamp stack, same results.
I knew something was very wrong when the WP install told me wp-config.php wasn’t there. I created one. The install went well, the basics work. But working from the dashboard will not allow me to work with themes and plugins.
I have no idea at all what the credentials should be. Hostname must be localhost, I’m working with Lamp. After that, I have no idea. I tried several FTP usernames and FTP passwords; no go.
I discovered I’m not the only one with this when looking for a solution. But so far nothings works for me.
I have to finish a site real soon, so a stop-gap solution with some kind of FTP credentials that work would help me out of a very tight spot. Or how to find that FTP username and password.
Thanks for any help.
]]>To resolve the problem, so far I have
1. Reinstalled WordPress, with fresh MySQL database and all;
2. Checked that the problem persists in all browsers;
3. Flushed all caches and cookies;
(should I disable this now, by the way?);
5. Performed diagnostics using the error consoles on all three browsers.
Below are the error codes that were generated on each browser:
Safari: [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 412 (Precondition Failed) (localhost, line 0)
Firefox: downloadable font: rejected by sanitizer (font-family: "dashicons" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:0) source: https://localhost/wp-includes/fonts/dashicons.eot
Chrome: GET https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans%3A300italic%2C400italic%2C600italic%2C300%2C400%2C600&subset=latin%2Clatin-ext&ver=4.3.1 net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED
I can provide screenshots of these error messages if necessary.
Could my problem have something to do with the fact that I’ve installed it locally?
Any advice is much appreciated!
Can anyone shed some light on the issue. Thanks.