Now, we have migrated directly from DO Spaces to Cloudflare R2 via the Cloudflare dashboard.
After activating the new plugin and deactivating WP Offload Media, old images are not being rewritten with R2 URLs.
]]>The delete permanently link is not working on any of my media file. I recently set up wp offload media plugin on my website which I guess seems to be creating problem.
There is no console error, no wordpress error, no error log, nothing.
]]>I’m trying to figure out if this plugin only works when you manually upload the files or if it will function properly when the user uploads a file to the form that then gets sent to our external server such as google cloud storage. (with this plugin activated of course)
]]>REFS :
]]>We are trying to run a simple WP site, that uses the Plugin of WP Offload Media. The site is running on an EC2 instance with instance metadata service version 1, and connects to a S3 bucket. Currently the plugin is configured to use the EC2 instance role. For sec reasons, we need to implement instance metadata service version 2, which requires a previous call to retrieve a token and then a call to the metadata endpoint.
with IMDV1:
with IMDV2:
TOKEN=curl -X PUT “” -H “X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600” \
&& curl -H “X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN” -v
Doc here:
We have been trying to sort this out but we weren’t able; any insight on this? The creation of a user for this purposes isn’t approved, so we need to use ec2 instance role.
]]>We are trying to run a simple WP site, that uses the Plugin of WP Offload Media. The site is running on an EC2 instance with instance metadata service version 1, and connects to a S3 bucket. Currently the plugin is configured to use the EC2 instance role. For sec reasons, we need to implement instance metadata service version 2, which requires a previous call to retrieve a token and then a call to the metadata endpoint.
with IMDV1:
with IMDV2:
TOKEN=curl -X PUT “” -H “X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600” \
&& curl -H “X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN” -v
Doc here:
We have been trying to sort this out but we weren’t able; any insight on this? The creation of a user for this purposes isn’t approved, so we need to use ec2 instance role.
]]>TLDR; If you can’t put objects when sharing a bucket on multiple sites, disable Object ownership then re-enable it. This will need to be done on each site.
This topic is purely informational as I have resolved the issue myself however many hours were sunk into working out the issue, hopefully this will help others.
A quick bit of background. For this particular installation, I have one main site then multiple subdomains with micro sites, each with their own WordPress installation. I didn’t want to have to setup multiple CDNs buckets, Cloudfronts etc. for each potentially expanding subdomains, so the plan, which is endorsed by delicious brains via bucket prefixes was to have a single bucket with each subdomain having a folder.
This was all fine until I enabled Object Ownership. The site I enabled it on worked fine, but all the other sites I received the error in the logs: The bucket does not allow ACLs
. If I go to one of the micro sites and check the object ownership tab in the storage settings it clearly states that Object Ownership is enabled, I’m guessing it’s getting this from AWS. So my assumption is the plugin saves a setting somewhere in the database to know whether it needs to write ACLs or not. As I had not enabled Object Ownership specifically on this micro site, but on the main site, despite the admin interface saying Object Ownership was enabled, when putting the object, the plugin thought it was disabled.
To resolve this I simply had to disable and then enable Object Ownership on each of the micro sites and bingo it all worked.
Hopefully this saves anybody with a similar setup some pain.
If Delicious Brain wants to weigh in with whether my assumption is true and whether they want to make some changes to the plugin so people don’t get tripped up, I’m sure that would be appreciated.
Happy WordPressing
]]>If I add something(e.g. image) to the Media Browser, nothing seems to happen, and the file URL does not change.
Database Name: wp_ezwkd
Table Prefix: ZbgeqDTG_
WordPress: 6.0.2
Web Server: Apache
PHP: 7.4.30
MySQL: 5.5.68
ext/mysqli: yes
PHP Memory Limit: 256M
WP Memory Limit: 40M
Memory Usage: 52 MB
Blocked External HTTP Requests: None
WP Locale: en_GB
Organize offloads by month/year: Enabled
WP Max Upload Size: 2 MB
PHP Time Limit: 30
PHP Error Log:
WP Cron: Enabled
fsockopen: Enabled
allow_url_fopen: Enabled
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017
cURL: 7.29.0
Zlib Compression: Enabled
PHP GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
Imagick: Enabled
Basic Auth: Disabled
Proxy: Disabled
Media Files: 101
Offloaded Media Files: 0
Not Offloaded Media Files: 101
Number of Image Sizes: 18
Names and Dimensions of Image Sizes:
thumbnail (80x80)
medium (300x300)
large (1030x1030)
1536x1536 (1536x1536)
2048x2048 (2048x2048)
widget (36x36)
square (180x180)
featured (1500x430)
featured_large (1500x630)
extra_large (1500x1500)
portfolio (495x400)
portfolio_small (260x185)
gallery (845x684)
magazine (710x375)
masonry (705x705)
entry_with_sidebar (845x321)
entry_without_sidebar (1210x423)
WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/vhosts/
UPLOADS: Not defined
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/vhosts/
AS3CF_PROVIDER: Not defined
AS3CF_BUCKET: Not defined
AS3CF_REGION: Not defined
AS3CF_SETTINGS Keys: access-key-id, provider, secret-access-key
Local URL:
Offload URL:
OME Metadata Version: 12
Custom tables:
ZbgeqDTG_as3cf_items: Ok
Storage Provider: Amazon S3
Use Server Roles: Off
Key File Path: N/A
Access Keys Set: Yes
Access Key ID Define: Not defined
Secret Access Key Define: Not defined
Bucket: imperiumairsoft
Region: eu-west-2
Block All Public Access: Disabled
Copy Files to Bucket: On
Enable Path: On
Custom Path: wp-content/uploads/
Use Year/Month: On
Object Versioning: On
Delivery Provider: Amazon S3
Rewrite Media URLs: On
Force HTTPS: Off
Remove Files From Server: Off
Active Theme Name: Enfold Imperium Airsoft
Active Theme Version: 1.0
Active Theme Folder: enfold-imperium-airsoft
Parent Theme Name: Enfold
Parent Theme Version: 5.0.1
Parent Theme Folder: enfold
Active Plugins:
Autoptimize (v3.1.1.1) by Frank Goossens (futtta)
Classic Editor (v1.6.2) by WordPress Contributors
Contact Form 7 (v5.6.3) by Takayuki Miyoshi
Prime Mover (v1.6.6) by Codexonics
Really Simple SSL (v5.3.4) by Really Simple Plugins
Ultimate Member (v2.5.0) by Ultimate Member
UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore (v2.22.21.25) by UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
WP Mail SMTP (v3.5.2) by WPForms
WP Offload Media Lite (v2.6.2) by Delicious Brains
WP Super Cache (v1.8) by Automattic
Yoast SEO (v19.6.1) by Team Yoast
Must-use Plugins:
advanced-cache.php - advanced-cache.php
]]>Looking for an image optimization solution for images that are already offloaded via WP Media Offload plugin and have a few questions before jumping and considering the pro version:
1. Does this optimize already offloaded images (I am using S3-compatible storage, DigitalOcean and Wasabi)?
2. Will webp be generated and served for those already offloaded images? If it does, will offloading those generated webp (after they are generated) break the local webp function of WP Smush?
3. Does the CDN feature need to be enabled for webp feature to work? I already have CDN connected to the S3-compatible storage used, and I wish to continue with that.
Thank you!
]]>I disabled the plugin and the gallery works again but no thumbnail appears because all images are deleted from the server after being uploaded to Google Storage
PHP 7.4
memory memory 256