This shows on the top of every page on our website.
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in /home/mywebsite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/includes/cron-jobs.php on line 302
after deactivating and reactivating your plugin, now it says…
Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in /home/mywebsite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/includes/cron-jobs.php on line 603
]]>Itnerestingly, two of these sites are on the same host provider which has confirmed the issue (we looked at both installs). The only difference is that one site had the Elegant Themes Extra theme. When I disable this theme the feed stil doesn’t work. I even uninstalled the plug in and reinstalled it but got the same result. Can someone help out here? I don’t see why the same RSS feed would not work every time. The preview shows the posts but nothing goes to the feed items area.
]]>The good people at WP-RSS helped me troubleshoot the problem – offering solutions and even creating a test-site for me to help determine the cause of the problem.
After many hours on the phone with my host provider, it turned out that the IP address in question belonged to a tier-2 node on the edge network.
So, in short the problem was not my WP site, or the WP-RSS plugin’s.
I am grateful for the patience and thoroughness of the tech team at WP-RSS. The plugin is awesome, but the people behind it are the real stars.
]]>The problem is when it comes to the featured image, the URL registers as
instead of as it does with all other images.
]]>I bought your add-on for categories. I’m pulling in feeds into a PHP page template and group in categories. I can bring in feeds just fine using shortcodes, but I want more control by using the PHP method.
My question is: How can I specify a category in here?
wprss_display_feed_items( $args = array(
'links_before' => '<ul class="myfeeds">',
'links_after' => '</ul>',
'link_before' => '<li>',
'link_after' => '</li>',
'limit' => '10'
Looking into the category plugin, I see:
'terms' => $categories,
and have tried:
'terms' => 'my-feed-category',
but it just displays feeds from every category. I know I can limit by feed sources, but if I have 100 feed sources, it would be more efficient to show by category rather than listing 100 or so ID’s.
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I’d like to start by thanking the author for this plugin… it’s really a great one!
I am however having a problems with PART of the short code parameters being ignored. I’m trying to run two feeds on the same page. The global setting is set to 5 posts, and that is all that will show up regardless of what I set thisfeed= to. The shortcode I’m using is below:
[wp_rss_multi_importer category=”1″ morestyle=”>>>”]
[wp_rss_multi_importer category=”2″ thisfeed=”8″ morestyle=”>>>”]
the categories are showing up correctly, and the morestyle, which overrides the default, is also responding correctly. However, no matter what I do I can’t get the second feed to display two posts. I have cleared the cache, tested in multiple browsers, and looked over the code. I can’t find conflicts or errors. There are no conflicts with my site theme or additional plugins (which I have disabled to simplify testing), I can say that for sure. The RSS feeds are being read correctly by the plugin… it’s just not outputting 8 posts in this one instance.
I have searched for this problem, and while some have asked about it there hasn’t been an answer posted yet. Has anyone encountered this and found a solution?
]]>I tried everything, literally:
I installed the fix it plugin,
I downloaded the fix file wejnswpwhitespacefix.php,
I de-activated all my plugins,
I wrote string replace script for the rss2 file
I manually deleted blank lines from files like theme functions and
wp-config etc.
I also switched themes to twentyeleven, checked the validator and STILL! I’m getting real frustrated here. has anyone had this issue like me? I mean this complicated???
All of these solutions are not working and after spending 6+ hrs i just cant quit now. Is there any new info?
]]>I’m not sure if this has been covered elsewhere in the forum, but if so I haven’t been able to find it – here’s hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a WP RSS feed and I’m pulling the content into a CMS page on another site, however I want to amend the feed as I don’t want to display the time of a post in the feed. I have look through the feed php files however I can’t seem to find where the time is being pulled from. Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance!