In one of my sites, I was using wp-forge (didn’t realised at that time, to use child theme wp-starter) and now I want to use the wp-starter but after activated the child theme, design is not the same. Not picking up the recent pages and posts and design etc.
Am i too late in using child theme? Is there a way that I can incorporate current wp-forge with child theme wp-starter? Coz I’m loving the child theme concept. I can’t start from scratch as the site has grown too much.
Hope you can help me…
Waiting in anxious..
]]>Can someone direct me on how to activate Starter on my site, for as long as it’s taking me to find it, I could have setup my own -child by now!
Theme Name: WP-Forge
Theme URI:
Author URI:
Description: A simple, responsive theme, WP-Forge is a combination of two powerful platforms: WordPress, the leading open source blogging tool and content management system and ZURB Foundation, the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Foundation comes packed with all kinds of goodies. You get cool things like tooltips, modal popups, a slider, pricing tables and a whole bunch more. Combine the two and you get what many consider the best WordPress Foundation theme that makes creating websites fun and exciting again! Use WP-Forge right out of the box, or use it with WP-Starter (WP-Forges’ WordPress child theme) to build the site you’ve always wanted.
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Tags: light, black, white, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, sticky-post, translation-ready, responsive-layout
Text Domain: wp-forge
]]>'after' => '<li class="divider"></li>',
Anyone can help will be great! Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m using WP-Forge as a parent theme with a customized version of WP-Starter as a child theme. After recently updating WP-Forge I noticed that its stylesheet was loading after the child theme’s stylesheet.
I’m enqueueing the parent theme in functions.php of the child theme as described here: If I also enqueue the child theme stylesheet as a dependency of the parent theme, the child theme stylesheet is loaded twice, once before the parent theme’s and once after.
I traced this to line 212 of functions.php in WP-Forge, where the wpforge_scripts() function calls get_stylesheet_uri(). When a child theme is used, get_stylesheet_uri() will point to the child theme’s stylesheet, instead of the parent theme’s stylesheet. This function is loaded at priority 0, so if you use the function from the WP codex that only enqueues the parent theme as is (without specifying a priority), the default priority of 10 causes the parent theme’s stylesheet to load after the child’s stylesheet.
This is solved by adding a priority of 0 to the function in the child theme’s functions.php that enqueues that parent theme’s styles (child functions.php is loaded before parent). The odd thing about this solution is that when the child theme stylesheet is loaded in the <head>, it’s listed with id=”wpforge-css”, even though it’s not from that theme. There’s also a version number appended to the url that is inaccurate.
Perhaps there’s a better way to fix this, but that was the best I could come up with.