Is there a solution for this?
Is there a fix for this documented conflict / issue?
]]>;1. deregister cookie name from supercache
function wpsc_delete_cookie_notice_check() {
do_action( 'wpsc_delete_cookie', 'cookie_notice_accepted' );
add_action( 'init', 'wpsc_delete_cookie_notice_check', 20 );
;2. Set the name variant
function wp_super_cache_cookie_notice_check( $extra_str ) {
if ( isset( $_COOKIE['cookie_notice_accepted'] ) && 'true' === $_COOKIE['cookie_notice_accepted'] ) $extra_str .= '-cookied';
return $extra_str;
add_action( 'supercache_filename_str', 'wp_super_cache_cookie_notice_check' );
Now, in my situation wp-supercache creates 2 variants of a static page file: index-https.html for users without a cookie and index-https-cookied.html for these with the cookie.
This works both in a simple cache mode and in an expert mode with rewrite rules for direct serving pages without php.
Should this method be incorporated into plugin code, the first part is unnecessary, together with current init action in plugin code (do_action( ‘wpsc_add_cookie’, ‘cookie_notice_accepted’ )), what need to be removed. The whole code is smaller and we can use expert cache mode.
]]>Aviso! ?No se ha podido actualizar /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-config.php! WPCACHEHOME tiene que estar definido en el archivo de configuración.
Aviso! /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php no existe o no puede ser actualizado.
Si ya existe, por favor, borra primero el archivo.
A?ade permisos de escritura a /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content utilizando el comando chmod, desde tu cliente de FTP o con el software de tu servidor. (chmod 777 /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content) y recarga esta página. Esto sólo es una medida temporal y luego tendrás que volver a dejarlo como de sólo lectura (cambiar 777 por 755 en el comando anterior)
Recarga esta página para actualizar /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php
Si eso no funciona, asegúrate de que el archivo /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/advanced-cache.php no existe:
I had to disabled your plugin, you said in the update message, that this new function would not interfere with another cache plugin, but it is interfering.
]]>Basically, I recently uninstalled wp super cache. I needed a particular page to automatically update an RSS feed and could see how to exempt that page from this plugin, so it got the axe. After I uninstalled it, however, BPS always shows the following message at the top of every dashboard page no matter how many times I run the setup wizard.
“WP Super Cache (WPSC) is deactivated and WPSC htaccess code was found in your Root htaccess file
If you have deactivated WPSC temporarily then disregard this message or you can run the BPS Setup Wizard now to make this message go away now.
If you are planning on permanently uninstalling WPSC then run the BPS Setup Wizard after you have uninstalled/deleted the WPSC plugin.”
This doesn’t affect my external site, however this message is annoying and I want it to go away. How do I actually get rid of this stupid code so BPS will stop whining about it?
]]>So, I went investigating (including some of my other users) and noticed a number of folks with missing profiles. A few of these people I know well. They would NOT have gone in and registered without filling in the blanks. Now, I know I have multiple records disappearing.
I use Elementor Pro fully updated to the latest version with your shortcodes.
I, also, use Autoptimize, WP Super Cache and Cloudflare CDN.
Help!!! Each of my members is super important to me and took me forever to attain. Now I will need to go back to each one with a blank profile but, I will not until I have this problem solved.
]]>I am a bit newbie so I want to get the things right to achieve the best performance with the WP Supercache.
It seems that the Preload setting is useful to speed up websites. I have an ecommerce site with around 150 products and I normally update my website every 4/5 days with some new products….that′s all. My questions is about the “Refresh preload cache files every…” setting. What do you thing is a good number in minutes for this, taking into account what I told you about my website frequency update?
Also, does this “refresh preloaded cache files” happen for all pages every time? It seems that this refresh consumes server resources slowing down the site. So if the refresh is for all pages, is it possible to programme the refresh at around 5.00am when there are no website visitors?
Thanks a lot,
]]>Question: How do I get WPSC to not keep a cache of the old price when a product’s price is altered? Is it even possible – remember, products can show up in many different pages besides their “single” – or do I have to remember to flush the cache every time we update product prices?
Jesper W.
Men Up North
It seems users are served “old” content when I, say, edit a product, or even disable one or add a new one. They can’t see the changes until I delete the cache.
Can it be that I have to manually do that every time I do something like that – or do I have a setting wrong?
Thanks in advance – also, WPSC is a great plugin!!
Jesper W.
Men Up North