I hope you can help!
I have a website that is built with a theme (Avada). It seems like the icons are not pulling through correctly when pushed to the live site using WP2Static – it just shows a blank square where the icons are supposed to be. I think the links to the icons are using a placeholder.wpsho link instead of the correct one, causing them to fail. It also affects things like the burger menu on mobile, which is not great from a user perspective.
I’ve tried a few fixes mentioned in a few support articles (e.g. clearing the theme cache etc), but nothing has worked thus far.
It’s really bugging me and I’d love to be able to fix it. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be really grateful.
Thank you!
Please help how to correctly export wordpress to github pages.
]]>I am trying to use WP-CLI and export WordPress as static HTML.
For this, I use [WP2static] as a plugin.
When I used the command [wp wp2static generate [URL] [folder]] to export the file, I was able to export the file but found a problem.
The exported file should be [wp-content] correctly, but it was [-content] and [wp] was missing!
When I ran the export from the WordPress admin screen without using the WP-CLI to try it out, I was able to do it without problems.
Do I need to set up the WP-CLI in some way?
I’ll introduce my development environment.
OS : Cent OS 7.2
Site URL : domain/wp/
Export destination folder: domain/wp/output
I executed [wp –info], and confirmed the state, but basically there seems to be no problem.
However, as a point to be worried about, the item of [phar path] was written as [wp2].
I wrote in the introduction, but the URL of my site [wp] is the correct one.
Could this be the cause of this? If so, please let me know what files I need to open to fix this place up.
I’m Japanese, so I’m sorry if there were any weirdness in the text.
Thanks for reading to the end.
I would like to use WP2static and WP-crontrol to export static pages automatically.
WP2static and WP-crontrol are already installed.
Please let me know if there are any hook settings and automatic functions for setting up a schedule from here.
I’m new to WordPress, so I may not have enough information.
Please let me know if you have any information you need, and I will include it.
I want to use WP2static and WP-Crontrol to export a static site automatically.
I’ve already installed WP2static, but how else can I set it up?
I’m new to WordPress, so please let me know if there is any information I need to know.
]]>I’d like to publish the static content of a WordPress site to an AWS S3 bucket.
In our company, we have some restrictions in the AWS cloud accounts. One of them is, that the user can only assume a role. Only the role then gives the user permissions to e.g. upload to S3.
Unfortunately the ‘assume role’ concept is not built into WP2Static, eventhough this pattern is quite common.
Are there any workarounds?
When I am using Picture Element to server WebP image, it is not getting included in the deployment.
It is simply 404. Check this URL- https://dd.varunpatel.in/
WP site URL – https://rbe.816.myftpupload.com/
I am using 6.6.21 version same issue was with 6.6.20.
If I use PNG and JPEG without the Picture element it works.
If you can help on the same.
Thanks & Regards,
]]>WP site – https://varunpatel.in
Static site – https://dd.varunpatel.in
If you can help it will be great.
]]>A workaround is to add some CSS to the child theme’s style.css.
]]>There are three main ways to get your TTFB to < 200ms with Cloudflare.
1. Fully optimize the traditional way totally free, but time consuming.
2. Use WP2Static and Workers – not very convenient, but easyish and $5 per month.
3. This plugin – easiest to set up and flexibility of the traditional way.
What I do like about this plugin is you can still run it from regular WordPress so it’s super convenient, as you don’t have to rebuild your site like WP2Static.
Also you can get a standard Cloudflare TTFB to under 200ms, yet people are so used to the cliche that WordPress is slow the myth lives on!
Workers aren’t magic. They still use the same CDN as the free tier, but for devs especially it gives you more options.
Definitely give this plugin a try. Don’t be put off by the lack of updates, it’s only a simple script.
Much respect to Patrick for giving the community this little gem.