For instance on a webpage with 10 footnotes, the first footnote will be numbered as 11, and 20 footnotes will be shown. For a live example see my website at:
Can you please tell me how to fix it, or can you fix this yourself?
]]>When will PS be up and running for WP 4.3?
Will you offer a “Pro” version, with support?
Ron Cohen
]]>But still having the issue here. After de-activation the error is gone so it’s really your plugin. I’m using it on a WP4.3 multi site installation.
Hope you can fix this soon. Thanks in advance.
]]>I can connect via filezilla no problem and that’s how ive updated plugins so far. However when i then try to update plugins, themes etc via wordpress i get an error.
My host is 10.57.125.* and when i try to connect using sftp it fails and shows me the ip address and port 21?? I have tried using ftp instead and that also fails.
Am i missing something obvious here?
]]>Even since before WP 4.3 I can’t use the visual editor. On 4.1 I could. I edit/add pages rarely. I have updated the editor to the current version
On page editing screens I see on the right “Text” and “Visual”. When I click on “Visual” nothing happens. When I click on “Text” twice I see the source code. When I then click on “Visual” again, I get “Quick Page/Post redirect” options and others.
In other posts I have read about clearing the network cache as a possible solution. I wouldn’t know how to do that.
I have suspected the browser and JavaScript. but the problem is tha same in Firefox, IE, and the new Edge on Windows 10.
So I’d be very grateful for a suggestion.
]]>I’ve installed DG 3.3.1 on 2 sites, my own and a charities and neither are displaying the options to Create or Edit a gallery.
In the WP Settings it only shows a Header Link (Document Gallery) which takes one to the General Settings, Thumbnail, Loggings & Advanced.
In both instances I’ve re-installed the plugin with the same results.
[thumber] => Array
[thumbs] => Array
[gs] => /usr/bin/gs
[active] => Array
[av] => 1
[gs] => 1
[imagick] => 1
[width] => 200
[height] => 200
[timeout] => 30
=> Array
[attachment_pg] =>
[descriptions] =>
[fancy] => 1
[mime_types] => application,video,text,audio,image
[order] => ASC
[orderby] => menu_order
[relation] => AND
[post_status] => any
[post_type] => attachment
[limit] => -1
[columns] => 4
[new_window] =>
=> Array
[meta] => Array
[version] => 3.3.1
[donate_link] =>¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
[logging] => Array
[enabled] =>
[purge_interval] => 7
[validation] =>
any suggestions would be welcome.
many thanks
]]>function post_readtime_widget() {
parent::WP_Widget(false, $name="Post reading time");
function __construct() {
$widget_ops = array(
'classname' => 'post_readtime_widget',
'description' => 'Post reading time'
parent::__construct( 'post_readtime_widget', 'Post reading time', $widget_ops );