I just accidently saw that my wp_memory_limit is extraordanary high. Web suggests 256M.
I do not know whether my former WebAdmin or my WebApp Provider has set such high values.
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘8192M’ );
define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘8192M’ );
My VPS is 16GB, 2 plugin heavy websites are running with these settings. Not much traffic at the moment.
Can this cause problems?
Should I reduce it to 256M?
Thx Michael
]]>it seems that if the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is not defined in the wp-config.php file to begin with then instead of adding it where it should it adds define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128’); to line 1 of wp-config.php.
If it is defined in the correct spot then it updates correctly. It seems some newer installs of wordpress do not have WP_MEMORY_LIMIT defined. Or at least the LiteSpeed versions dont.
]]>The result of “php -i | grep memory_limit” is “memory_limit => 128M => 128M”
And still, when I log to my admin page, the parameter “Site Health -> Info -> Server -> PHP memory limit” is 32M.
But the parameter “Site Health -> Info -> WordPress Constants -> WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT” is 128M.
I am running WordPress 5.4 ont Centos 7 with PHP 7.4.3.
I am running out of options. Can somebody help?
]]>I want to use the plugin String locator but every time I start a search I am getting the following error:
Die Speichergrenze wird bald überschritten, bevor die Suche gestartet wurde, dies k?nnte ein Anzeichen für eine baldige Fehlfunktion deiner Website sein. Das bedeutet leider, dass dieses Plugin nicht in der Lage ist, eine Suche durchzuführen. Aktueller Speicherverbrauch: 48490496 von 1 Bytes
The wp_memory_limit is set to 512M – why does the plugin think that it has just 1 byte??
]]>It tells me to look for “define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’ );”
However, I do not see it there.
Do I have to add it there?
if I desactive the plugin, then problem is solve.
I reiceive following message:
Notice: Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined in /wp-config.php on line 191
Please could you fix the problem?
]]>define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
I also added
memory_limit = 512M
in my php.ini.
Using phpinfo() memory_limit is = 512M both in Local Value and in Master Value.
But in WordPress the limit is still 128M.
Any idea? Thank you.
I have a server with 8G memory. I host 30+ WP sites on it.
Sometimes some sites go out of memory and I add the line below to wp-config
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’ );
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’96M’ );
Will there be a problem if I added this line to all sites, to prevent them falling over too sometime?