After checking my databases and the config files I found that the config files while correct had been misdirected to the wrong data bases.
Finally, after a completely fresh install of ver 4.0 using a new database the site loaded.
My question is: have there problems upgrading after ver.3.6 using wpau?
Also, I’ve seen references to a new automatic upgrade in later versions how does that work and have there been problems with that?
The 2 files are:
When I try to import either file into the database using the phpMyAdmin window I get the following error message:
ERROR: You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (application/zip). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration.
Does anyone know how to overcome this so I can restore my data?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I just posted about his in my blog at:
The only trouble now, I can’t access to Adsense Deluxe page. Everytime I get the error message saying: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
Any suggestion?
]]>All the other processes are fine at that point. I tried changing the folder permissions to 777 but that didn’t work. So what will?
]]>On the public side the upgrade seems to have worked fine (2.7.1). I just can’t get in as admin. This is not good.
]]>Then I tried WPAU but it says that my installation is up to date.
What’s up with that?
I have done a manual upgrade (once) for a client, but I really prefer to use WPAU.
]]>I have a full backup of my site when it was on 2.5.1. If I re-install 2.5.1 into the root directory and the drag over those files, will it resolve the problem?
Otherwise, is it possible to upload an XML backup file larger than 2 megabytes? If so, I could just reinstall WordPress, reinstall the theme and re-upload the files. The problem is that right now, mine is 14 megabytes. I have 721 posts with tons of photos.
Help! I’m losing readers!
]]>For example: today it notified me of updates to wp-print, wp-useronline, and wp-useronline-widget. I auto upgraded wp-print, and now don’t have the option to upgrade wp-useronline or wp-useronline-widget. I checked, and wp-useronline should upgrade to 2.4, but my plug-in is still 2.3.1.
I tried deactivating up-useronline, but that didn’t help. I reactivated it, and I still am not given the option to update it.
My server is running Apache 1.3.41 (Unix) and php 5.2.5