So stuff like this:
[trx_block align=”center” animation=”fadeIn”][trx_image url=”1910″][/trx_block]
The website is here –
Any ideas how I should fix this? I’ve updated all plugins etc.
]]>However, on this particular image, my desired width is 220px, so I changed it in Single image element to show the image with a given resolution 220×43 px. It shows fine but it doesn’t show the retina version.
In the code, it doesn’t use data-srcset but data-src without 1x and 2x URLs.
How can I display retina images on custom-sized single images in WP Bakery builder, please?
Best regards,
and i have installed the WPBakery Builder latest version too (6.1).
However, the WP Globus plugin is creating some type of issue with the FRONT END on the WP Bakery Builder. I will explain. When i enter in the FRONT END view of WPBakery, if i add, for example, a new element, like a POST GRID, i can see the pencil to edit that element. See the picture:
However, if i leave the FROND END and return to that view later, i can no more edit elements that i previously added there. See the picture below. The pencil is missing.
As you can see too, this is not happening with row and column (the pencil keeps there). But i think it’s happening with all the inner elements.
Important Note: I noticed this on a real website. However, before post this issue here, i tested it on a clean wordpress install with only this plugins (when i deactivate WP Globus, the issue is gone) and Classic Editor, since you recommended it instead of Gutenberg.
Best Regards
]]>Thank you in advance for your support!
Of course I use Woocommerce, Theme: Salient and the WPBakery Page Builder!
I really want to edit the shop page with the Page Builder, I have also specified the shop page in the Woocommerce settings as the base page, so there are also the products displayed.
I still managed to paste content to the shop page with the builder, but icons are not displayed, for example.
This is how it should look like:
And this is how it looks on the static shop page:
However, when I remove the shop page in the Woocommerce settings, the icons are visible again.
Everything I insert in the backend will be displayed above the product archive.
Most of all, I would like to customize it myself / design as I would + in the Woo settings the shop page specified, which is probably not possible.
Because there are no problems with the breadcrumbs & product sorting, because if in the Woo settings the shop page is not inserted, this is of course no longer there.
So how can I insert this again, despite the fact that the shop page is not specified in the settings?
With Yoast Seo I have already tried it, breadcrumbs are displayed, but when I click on a product, then the “order” is not correct, the shop is not there.
Unfortunately it appears only as: Home – Category – Product
Instead of this: Home – Shop – Category – Product
Of course, I do not need to specify the shop page, in the Woo settings, because that way I can customize the page as I want.
However, many little things are lost, which make it a “real” shop!
Maybe someone knows a solution or a piece of advice?
Thank you so much!
The add-on with the icons are labeled tabs, in which I sort the products by category.
I would like to have such a possibility:
Clicking on the icons will load the products on the same page.
Ajax Load More would be a possibility, but the add-on “Filter” costs extra, unfortunately I knew no easier way.
I have a question and here is an example:
I would like to filter my products in the form of icons / small pictures and below the category name.
By simply clicking on the icon or text and that on the same page still, the products are loaded.
I’ve tried a lot, Ajax Load More Filter unfortunately costs extra, I’m a bit borrowed and would be very happy if someone could give me a tip!
I use the WpBakery Page Builder (Theme: Salient).
Would it be possible, as shown in the example, individually by clicking on an icon, for example, to load the products on the same page?
I would like to do the whole thing on the shop page, does anyone have a tip, a guide?
I would be incredibly happy to receive an answer!
Thank you!
I have checked WP Bakery builder settings and the post box is ticked.
The only thing I have done recently is to move from https:// to https:// although I am not sure if this has anything to do with the issues above.
I am not sure if this an issue to do with WP Bakery Builder (as its working on my pages) or an issue to do with WordPress.
P.S. I am using Highen childs theme.