I am trying to embed a Zoho Recruit careers widget on our WordPress site. The embed consists of 2 script tags, the 2nd is dependent on the first.
After adding the embed code into the RawHTML WPBakery component, the original “src” attributes are replaced with cached versions automatically. Additionaly, a “defer” attribute is added to the first script, breaking the second script that depends on it. This is not something that I have specified, it happens automatically and breaks the page.
// original embed
<script type="text/javascript">
widget_id: "rec_job_listing_div",
page_name: "Careers",
source: "CareerSite",
site: "https://careers.principal33.com",
brand_color: "#121628",
empty_job_msg: "No current Openings",
// modified by WP Bakery
<script type="text/javascript" data-minify="1" data-rocket-defer="" defer="" fetchpriority="high" src="https://www.principal33.com/wp-content/cache/min/1/recruit/embed_careers_site/javascript/v1.1/embed_jobs.js?ver=1741966937" data-rocket-status="executed"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="data:text/javascript;base64,CgkJCXJlY19lbWJlZF9qcy5sb2FkKHsKCQkJCXdpZGdldF9pZDoicmVjX2pvYl9saXN0aW5nX2RpdiIsCgkJCQlwYWdlX25hbWU6IkNhcmVlcnMiLAoJCQkJc291cmNlOiJDYXJlZXJTaXRlIiwKCQkJCXNpdGU6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2FyZWVycy5wcmluY2lwYWwzMy5jb20iLAoJCQkJYnJhbmRfY29sb3I6IiMxMjE2MjgiLAoJCQkJZW1wdHlfam9iX21zZzoiTm8gY3VycmVudCBPcGVuaW5ncyIKCQkJfSk7CgkJCQ==" data-rocket-status="executed">
empty_job_msg:"No current Openings"
As you can see, the data-rocket-defer=”” and defer=”” attributes are added automatically.
Any solutions to this?
]]>I’m facing an issue with WordPress WPBakery it’s not allowing me to edit or add text block in page/ posts. When I try to add or edit text block it takes me to new screen with message written as 626960869.
Also, when I try to save the page it shows Unauthorized Activity Detected.
The contact form isn’t sending to the administrator email address (or any other I have tried).
I’d also like to set a different ‘to’ address for several forms, so I think I have created a snippet using Code Snippet but I cannot see where to set the actual ‘to’ field or how to invoke the snippet on a contact form.
Can anyone help?
]]>Here’s the HTML that get’s screwed up by some sort of javascript?
<div class="edit_form_line"><div class="slider" style=""><input type="range" min="0" max="2" step="0.01" value="1" class="wpb_vc_param_value nectar-range-slider scale_desktop nectar_range_slider" id="scale_desktop" name="scale_desktop" style="position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0;"><div class="rangeslider rangeslider--horizontal" id="js-rangeslider-0" style=""><div class="rangeslider__fill" style="width: 10px;"></div><div class="rangeslider__handle" style="left: -20px;"></div></div></div><output class="output"><span class="number">2</span><span class="suffix">x</span></output></div>
]]>I’m creating new pages on my website, and they have no header, don’t know why… they have exactly the same settings as previous pages. For exemple :
Old page: https://dargentat.lamarck.link/fr/
New page: https://dargentat.lamarck.link/fr/atelier/
I’m using WPbakery, any known conflict issues, maybe?
]]>Does Bogo plugin work fine with page builders such as WPBakery and Elementor?
]]>Does the free version of TranslatePress work fine with page builders such as WPBakery and Elementor?