Example pages where the behavior is most evident:
text links:
hovering over image thumbnails causes them to move around
I don’t know where I’m supposed to place this code:
<?php if ( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ) ) : ?>
<div id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary">
<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar-1' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
the menu i have now is in the header. but i would prefer it in the sidebar. by default this theme only has widgets in the footer but it seems all the sidebar.php etc., files are there, just not activated.
my website is www.lizartlizard.com
if there’s another/better way to do this i’d greatly appreciate any tips!
]]>I’m using the latest WPFolio Two from github (0.9.49b) and would like to hide the date in the footer of the pages (where it has the title | year | category centered on the bottom). I’ve searched through the forums and found one where a user was able to hide the entire line, but I’d like to keep the line and just want to hide the year part. When I inspect the page elements, the year seems like normal text so I assume it’s being generated by php. I’ve tried going into the parent theme (wpfolio-two) and taking out the php section <?php the_time('Y') ?>
on line 81 in the attachment.php file, but the year remains despite this edit. I’m pretty new at this aside from basic HTML and CSS so I don’t know if that was really the right target–I’ve turned here hoping someone with more knowhow can show me the way.
Thanks so much in advance!
]]>I’m using WPFolio 2 and would like to change around how my portfolio categories are viewed. Instead of seeing all categories when the menu item ‘work’ is clicked on, I would like to view all of those sub-categories of different types of work (like sculpture, or 2d, for instance).
Here’s an example of what I want it to look like.
I tried having sub-categories (let’s say, ‘sculpture’ and ‘2d’) for my main portfolio (parent is category ‘artwork’), but it still displays all artwork, and only shows those specific aub-categories if I put them in the menu.
Any ideas? I thought I got it to work a while ago, I switched it around and lost/forgot the solution! So it should be possible without digging deeper than options.
]]>I think this is the relevant part of wpf-functions.php that changes the blog category styling:
// Add portfolio body class to anything that isn't the blog
function portfolio_body_class($class) {
global $post, $blog_catid;
if ( in_category($blog_catid) || is_home() ) {
$class[] = 'news';
return $class;
} else {
$class[] = 'portfolio';
return $class;
The current blog category in the above example is “news.” I would like to add a couple more categories that are excluded from the portfolio body class.
Any tips on changing this would be most welcome! Thanks!