I have installed WWPFront Scroll top ionto my new website but where the arrow is visible on the back end of the site, on the Front end, it is nowhere to be seen.
I think it might be an issue with JQuery, but I am using jquery 3.7.1 and tried PHP versions 7.4 to 8.3 . I have run both with and with out optimiser/cache plugin and still I get the same issue
I welcome any help
Love your plugin. Works like a charm. One little issue, though…
When we install Autoptimize (JS and CSS minifier) and activate the “Aggregate JS Files” checkbox, the WPFront notification bar disappears from our website.
Autoptimize, however, gives us an opportunity to skip certain javascripts (.js) that are being used by plugins to help remedy the situation.
Can you tell us what .js file or script WPFront depends on? We’d like to add it to the “Exclude Scripts from Autoptimize” section of the plugin to see if this will help.
Click here for details: https://prntscr.com/l283mk
]]>Thanks for the great plugin. I have the Slimstat plugin installed, however it doesn’t appear in the admin panel for my non-admin customised user roles. Is there a way that I can add access/visibility to Slimstat for user roles which currently don’t show it?
Many thanks
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]]>I went into the plugin editor for Notification bar and found these three entries:
<div id=”wpfront-notification-bar-spacer” style=”display: none;”>
var r=e(“#wpfront-notification-bar-spacer”).show();
If I removed all of the above entries referencing the spacer it removes the bar entirely from my page, but if I just remove the CSS entry for the spacer it still remains. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help.