I config a page with role access. I tranlate this page with WPML pero this page doesn’t copy role permission. Is it compatible your plugin with WPML?
Many thanks
]]>Is there a plan to add the WPML support? I can use “string translation”, but it’s not convenient.
Thank you,
]]>I have tried to translate with the WPML plugin the messages sent by email to the user when their registration is approved,
I found the strings in the plugin and translated it, but when testing it, it had no effect.
is this plugin compatible with WPML?
if so, any idea what the error might be?
I’m styling the email with the WP Better Emails plugin, I don’t know if it has to do with the problem. I hope you can guide me in this regard
]]>thanks for advising, K
]]>Are you planning to add WPML compatibility? Apparently, their programmers can help you add the WPML compatibility for free, if you wish.
My website is bilingual and I need to translate the texts on the hovered images.
Thank you,
Unfortunately WPML cannot excerpts content from TablePress tables because TablePress is not compatible to the mentioned function of WPML. It seems TablePress lacks of “gettext calls”.
Does the author see any chance to make TablePress a bit compatible to WMPL, so that it would be easier to translate the content of the tables?
WPML invites plugin developers to its Go Global Program to make plugins compatible with WPML.
Best regards