My team are a couple of weeks away from creating the “holy grail” of wordpress ecommerce. Yup a fully functional and secure osCommerce plug in for WP.
Yes it is a monster task, but thankfully i have a genius running the team and we are 80% complete with no issues to date.
Tester sign up and more details can be found at
I’m in the planning stage of an e-commerce (and more) website and I’m considering using WordPress along with WP.osC, ShopperPress, or PHPurchase. My concern is that the site may eventually become so large that page load and overall site response times might become an issue. Initially, in addition to Home, About, Contact, and Blog pages, the site will have multiple Product pages displaying 100-150 different products in different categories for sale, but the site could grow to 1,000 products over time. The site will also have some Flash animation, along with membership and affiliate plug-ins. Has anyone built a site of this size before using WordPress, and if so, how have response times been? What other kinds of problems might I encounter using WordPress for a site like this?
]]>So I decide to try and do something about it. I put my top WordPress guy and my top OScommerce guy in a locked room and told them if they didn’t come up with a WP Vs OSC plug-in that just simplifies the whole process with a plug-in…then neither of them would be allowed out, unless one of them cuts his foot off…Oh sorry that’s Saw 1 i am thinking of.
Anyway jokes aside, they came through and the plug-in is near completion and i need some serious testing done.
We obviously are doing a free version of the plug-in when its released but also offering a paid version with all the “bells and whistles” The 50 testers will get the full version to test and keep. We will also upgrade your version as we bug fix.
If your interested please reply to this post or email me through our new site (not sure if i can post a URL here)
Thanks in advance.
IMC Media Group.
I need a widget that shows all products in a specific category (sharing the same name as a WordPress Page).
I was able to do it in WP-Ecommerce (, but my client needs the store to integrate with WorldPay – that’s why I’ve switched to WP-osCommerce instead.
]]>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/9/d200890229/htdocs/endeavourz/store/catalog/themes/atahualpa/index.php on line 3
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: is_page() in /homepages/9/d200890229/htdocs/endeavourz/store/catalog/themes/atahualpa/index.php on line 10
]]>Here are the first few lines of my index.php file:
<?php global $options; foreach ($options as $value) { if (get_option( $value['id'] ) === FALSE) { $$value['id'] = $value['std']; } else { $$value['id'] = get_option( $value['id'] ); } } if ( is_page() ) { global $wp_query; $current_page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); } ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <?php // If there are any posts: if (have_posts()) : $postcount == 0; ?> <?php if( is_archive() AND function_exists('page2cat_output')) { page2cat_output($cat); } // This is for the plugin Page2Cat ?>
Thanks for your help!
]]>Hi all,
My name is Roya Khosravi, and I’m a project leader from France. Today, I’m very excited to release my latest open source project :
WP-osCommerce : osCommerce for WordPress.
WP-osCommerce (or WP.osC ) allows you to Integrate your osCommerce store in WordPress Blog/Website. No need to change the look and feel of your WordPress website. WP-osCommerce integrates transparently into the existing WordPress website and matches your WordPress theme exactly.
WP-osCommerce (WP.osC) enables interoperability between osCommerce and WordPress. In fact WP-osCommerce is a modified version of osCommerce, one of the most popular ecommerce solutions. The main difference between WP.osC and osCommerce, is that WP.osC uses the same Theme system (template) as WordPress.
More about WP-osCommerce (Live Demo , Docs, Downloads) :
So I thought that I would look in to the possibility of using WP as handler for my shop.
Does anyone have eampels of good looking webshops based on WP?
What are the pros and cons of using WP as a e-commerce platform?