I’ve noticed (after many research) that the Intro Page Slideshow of the wordpress theme I’m using (Anan for photographers), not being run by wppa, isn’t working anymore when wppa plug in is active. It’s just a black plage. There may be a conflict between them Anan Theme and wwpa or wppa is overriding the theme initial functions…
Is there please an option somewhere in the huge wppa options menu to make it work back ?
Thanks in advance,
have a nice day
]]>Did I forget something to configure during the installation? I read several documentaries and support posts but couldn’t find a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Not able to edit pages using Elementor if I have Photo Album plus and Wordfence plugin activated. If I disable either one, I can edit using Elementor Pro.
Tried and an older version Deleted plugin and reinstalled as if new. Wordfence 7.10.4.
Is it possible to have Photo Album plus work even when Wordfence is activated?
Thank you
]]>This is for a site I manage for a competition circuit and all of our albums are already there, so even if there was a better plugin to use, it would be a huge undertaking.
Any ideas??
]]>After updating to, some other features on my site began to have issues. This includes some images on various pages not appearing and being replaced by text, pages built with Elementor having issue with certain features, and some content not appearing outside of the admin view.
There was an error message that appeared briefly that proclaimed an ajax issue, but I was not able to capture the message. After a lot of troubleshooting, deactivating WPPA was the solution to get the other issues resolved.
Do you have any ideas as to what happened? A configuration error, perhaps?
Thanks for the help!
]]>Since one of the last updates, the lightbox does not work for all images in the posts.
It only works on the first picture with a link to media, but not on the following pictures.
I tested it with a website where the update for wppa was not installed.
Lighbox worked as usual on all pictures. But then I updated the plugin and therefor I was able to reproduce the phenomenon.
I didn’t change anything since the the last time it worked.
Any idea?
Kind regards
]]>Laat ik beginnen te zeggen dat WPPA een geweldige plug-in is waar ik tot nu toe al veel plezier aan heb beleefd!
Bij mijn foto’s plaats ik altijd in de beschrijving een stukje tekst zodat bezoekers weten waar ze naar kijken. Nu is het mij opgevallen dat Google WPPA in het algemeen en specifiek de beschrijving niet weet te vinden en dus niet indexeert. Dat is jammer want daardoor wordt de informatie op mijn site -die nu nog voornamelijk in de beschrijving staat- niet goed gevonden.
Ik ben benieuwd of deze functionaliteit op een longlist staat of wellicht nog op een longlist kan komen te staan.
Daarnaast had ik nog een vraag over de tekstuitlijning. Klopt het dat je de tekst in de beschrijving niet automatisch links kan uitlijnen? Tot nu toe gebruik ik de p align='left'>
code hiervoor maar wellicht dat ergens in de instellingen de uitlijning van de tekst mogelijk is?
Let me start by saying that WPPA is a great plugin!
When I upload my photos I always place a text in the description so visitors know what they are looking at. I’ve noticed that Google the description in WPPA doesn’t indexes. Unfortunately the most of te information on my site is currently in the wppa desription. So I am curious if this functionality already stay on a longlist or if it can be on a longlist.
I also had a question about the text alignment. Is it true that you cannot automatically align the text in the description to the left? So far I use the p align = 'left'>
code but maybe in the settings the alignment of the text is possible?
Notice: Undefined variable: is_pdf in /home/.sites/46/site1174/web/gilde/wp-content/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/wppa-potd-widget.php on line 100
Plugin version is:
How can I get rid of the message on the webpage?
]]>I hope I’m in the right place. If I’m in the wrong forum (wp.org vs. wp.com – yes I read but I still don;t get it), please just tell me to go to the other one. Thanks