We migrated a WordPress website from a Linux dedicated VM (hosting both web server and mysql) to Azure App Services (Windows platform / PHP 7.4 / 64 bit) + Azure MySQL. Of course we had to change some paths in the database (like /var/wwwroot to C:\home\site\wwwroot), we did it with the help of Search-and-ReplaceDB.
The site uses WP Super Cache since the beginning. When the webapp is freshly started, everything runs fine and the plugin is doing its job: cache files are generated at first access then served until expiration. Ok.
But after a random few hours, the cache files are removed (which is the normal behaviour when they expire) but are not generated anymore.
Debug log when it works:
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wpsc_get_auth_cookies: no auth cookies detected
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wpsc_is_caching_user_disabled: false
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ supercache dir: ABSPATH/wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ Fetched gzip static page data from supercache file using PHP. File: ABSPATH/wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/index-https.html.gz
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wp_cache_serve_cache_file: checking age of cached vs served files.
10:00:18 5700 /litisafe/ wp_cache_serve_cache_file: Send 304 Not Modified header.
Debug log when it does not work:
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wpsc_get_auth_cookies: no auth cookies detected
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wpsc_is_caching_user_disabled: false
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ supercache dir: C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ No Super Cache file found for current URL: C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/index-https.html
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ In WP Cache Phase 2
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ Setting up WordPress actions
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ Created output buffer
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wpcache_do_rebuild: doing rebuild for C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/
09:30:12 5320 /litisafe/ wpcache_do_rebuild: exiting as directory is not a directory: C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wpsc_is_caching_user_disabled: false
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ Output buffer callback
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_cookies_values: return:
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wpsc_is_caching_user_disabled: false
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wpsc_get_realpath: directory does not exist - C:\home\site\wwwroot\wp-content/cache/supercache/www.degaullefleurance.com/litisafe/
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_get_ob: not caching as directory does not exist.
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.
09:30:17 5320 /litisafe/ Did not write meta file: meta-wp-cache-0530eadb18e544567b9a28d5771b389b.php
It does not seem to be a permissions problem since the plugin is allowed to create folders and files when freshly started (and other plugins like matomo write in the same /cache folder with success).
How could we dig further in the logs to understand where does the problem come from ?
Any help warmly appreciated
Listopia says WP super cache is mandatory but when I try to activate it i get the message below. Any ideas? Can’t see this error anywhere
“WP Super Cache is not allowed on our system. It has been automatically deactivated.”
]]>Whenever i try to test the cache, it gives me these errors:
Fetching https://graafdaron.nl/ to prime cache: FAILED
Errors: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Fetching first copy of https://graafdaron.nl/: FAILED
Errors: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Fetching second copy of https://graafdaron.nl/: FAILED
Errors: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!
I really have no idea of what i need to do, can somebody help me?
]]>I moved today to another cache plugin. I just deactivated the plugin and deleted it. And then I added the other one. After that I had a look to the .htaccess and found a htaccess backup text file which I suppose is the previous .htaccess and I have now a new .htaccess created today which starts with :
#BEGIN WPSuperCache
#END WPSuperCache
After seeing this I checked how to remove WP Super Cache because I was thinking I’ve done something wrong. And I found that I should have disabled the caching options first before deleting it. What would you recommend me to do now to completely remove it? Should I reinstall it? Or can I just delete these 2 lines :
#BEGIN WPSuperCache
#END WPSuperCache
And then delete .htaccess backup?
What is the best way to remove it completely please?
Thank you
First of all this is a really light plugin than the others. Great job!
I have couple of questions as we have moved to your plugin from W3TC.
1 – Should we remove our site from cloudflare? Is this plugin not supposed to work with it?
2 – When we run some speed tests, YSlow shows that Minify JavaScript and CSS fails. We have enabled cloudflare css and html javascript but no help.
3 – Suddenly, our amp results stops showing the images. Not sure if this is related to the caching.
4 – Previously our result were around 3-4 secs and now over 6secs. Are we missing some points to get our speed up?
5 – CRON System Disabled
The WordPress CRON jobs system is disabled. This means the garbage collection system will not work unless you run the CRON system manually.
We have such warning in the panel
6 – Your siteurl and homeurl are different. The plugin is using https://localhost/sitename as the homepage URL of your site but if that is wrong please use the filter “ossdl_off_blog_url” to fix it. We see also this warning, checked site settings, php and wp config but they are ll correct. This can cause trouble?
Thank you
]]> currently I have excluded:
I’d like to add wpsupercache but it seems to break the cookie consent bar.
I’m kind of in the dark here. Any suggestions?
Since adding the bar, my site has become really slow on pagespeed. Currently 61 and 77 for mobile and desktop respectively.
]]>Getting the following error message under Mod Rewite Rules:
The plugin could not update /home/strato/http/premium/rid/52/61/53925261/htdocs/.htaccess file: .htaccess not found: /home/strato/http/premium/rid/52/61/53925261/htdocs/.htaccess.
Not wondering because that’s definitely the wrong directory.
The whole WP installation is in
Fun fact: cache folder is correct:
But while the cache folder ist editable, the Mod Rewite Rules .htaccess path is not.
So what to do now??
Already copy&pasted the code into the .htaccess file but the error (and the hint do update the .htaccess file) don’t go away. Don’t know if it even runs propper this way… Help!