I’m trying to rework this site to use Twenty Twenty-Three but cannot manage to get the text wrapping around the image as per the current site. It’s using the Hueman theme but I’ve not had problems wrapping text in a variety of pre-block themes.
I’ve tried various combinations of groups, stacks, rows, and alignments but haven’t found the magic formula – I assume there is one!
]]>Website View
The formatting of “media and text block” is not right for me.
Here is what I have done so far and the problem with it.
Heading 1 is easy in a heading block.
I get image 1 on the left with text 1 to the right by:
. Moving the “image block” with image 1 directly above the “paragraph block” with text 1.
. On the “image block”, clicking the align left icon
My image 1 happens to be longer than text 1.
The problem is that heading 2 is appearing under my text 1 to the right of image 1.
I want my heading 2 to be under image 1.
*** What block can I insert under text 1 to make heading 2 appear under image 1.
I have tried lots of blocks. A wide image block with a random, unwanted image worked. The unwanted image appeared under image 1. A narrow image block did not work as it placed the image under text 1.
Do I have to take an all-white photo 400 px wide by 1 px high and insert this as an image block above heading 2, so that heading 2 appears below image 1. Surely there is another way.
]]>I want images on my site to be truly embedded in the text, as was possible in Classic mode. In Gutenberg, the “wrap text” feature can only align the top of the image with the top of the paragraph. However, I want images to appear in the middle or bottom of a paragraph, not only at the top.
Any help? I guess the old code that made it work in Classic will work in Gutenberg, so I can try doing it that way?
Thank you.
The full calendar view does not wrap texts and they appear “cut” from the textboxt:
Any fix?