Every time I change it and click the ‘Update’ button, I get this message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function woocommerce_meta_boxes_save_errors() in /home/content/97/11777797/html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-tab-manager/admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php on line 63
]]>This is when I create a new group, all is well: https://i.imgur.com/S2arT.jpg
And this is when I click Publish, everything is gone: https://i.imgur.com/lhtNk.jpg
If I create a new ACF group, the data is saved and I can use the fields on EDIT POST, BUT when I click “PUBLISH” on the post, then this same thing happens and I can not access the fields for a 2nd time.
]]>It’s awkward, and I want to put the category and custom taxonomy panels in the center. How do I do it.
]]>My issue I can’t seem to properly pull the meta back to use in the theme.
Here is my code and I’m not sure if it’s remotely right.
I’m using it in the loop as well.
$mykey_values = get_post_custom_values('tabs');
foreach ( $mykey_values as $key => $value ) {
echo "$key => $value ('my_key')<br />";
Here is the result: 0 => a:1:{s:4:”tabs”;s:5:”1,5,2″;} (‘my_key’)
I was hoping it would look like this:
]]>I have a category ‘test’ in a local test site that I am experimenting with which has a few posts.
I want to map pages to categories, so I also installed ‘Map Categories to Pages’ plug in. Now there is an option to set a category for any new page that I create.
But there is no option to set a category for pages that I create using the custom write panel. (Once I created the write panel, it automatically added a menu item ‘Test’ with a sub menu item ‘New’.. If I click on it, it will list all the custom fields that I created. I already have a page template created for this write panel, but I also want the pages created using this write panel to be aded to the category ‘test’. )
The idea is, I want a page in my blog (similar to the archive pages for category, tags etc) that lists all the posts which are in ‘test’ category and all the pages that I create using the custom write panel ‘test’.
]]>Following this quick tutorial, I was able to successfully hook into the category write panels with the following:
add_action('add_category_form', 'my_function_blahblah');
add_action('edit_category_form', 'my_function_blahblah');
Now I’m trying to figure out if I can do the same thing for a custom taxonomy? Is it possible? Any clues?
]]>It is for a group of apartments. So the site will have it’s static pages that are the contact us, about us, history.
Then it has a page for each complex. These complexes have items that i figured would be set with custom field such as: address, phone, imgs, features(like trash pickup, gym, etc.)
then each complex would also have a list of units that would have custom fields like: floorplan, imgs, amenities.
I’ve downloaded some plugins for write panels that I figured I would try for help with all the custom fields.
My big problem is with associating the units to the complex. I figure both are going to be posts. Or should the complex be a page and the units be posts? Or should I add another custom field for complex to the posts and group them together that way? then just create in the template files a filter that will only show post with that complex set in that field. Or is there a way to link them via parent and child relationship?
Any thoughts on the best way to proceed?