Can anybody help me solve this issue?
Thank you very much
]]>wir haben kürzlich festgestellt, dass für einige wenige Bestellungen die Betr?ge in Paypal nicht mit denen aus Woocommerce übereinstimmen.
Somit kam es einige Male vor, dass K?ufer weniger bezahlt haben, als sie eigentlich h?tten bezahlen müssen.
Wir haben über die Transaktions-Details in Paypal herausgefunden, dass hin und wieder in WC bestellte Produkte nicht in diesen auftauchen. Dadurch ergeben sich dann die Beitragsunterschiede.
Mal fehlt ein Produkt vollst?ndig, mal passen einfach die georderten Mengen nicht überein.
Wir haben das Plugin an einigen Stellen angepasst, damit es mit Dezimalwerten für unsere Meterwaren umgehen kann (z.B. kann man bei uns 0,6 Meter eines Stoffen bestellen). Dazu haben wir an einigen Stellen im Code aus (int) -> (float) gemacht. Das funktioniert auch eigentlich immer sehr gut, bis auf das geschilderte Problem. Allerdings scheint dieser Zusammenhang für uns unlogisch. Da wir keine Regelm??igkeiten oder Gemeinsamkeiten in den Fehlern feststellen k?nnen, ben?tigen wir Hilfe vom Support.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
]]>I’m testing the free version.
When adding amounts to the gift card, 50, 100 and 150, and after updating the product, those amounts change to 0.10, 0.50 and 0.15 automatically.
How can I fix this please?
After a customer completes checkout, and I am notified of a new order, I went in to find now the orders are being auto-completed.
Upon further inspection of the actual order, the incorrect item is being shown, differing from the one purchased, and it also shows 0 for cost/quantity/total.
Here’s the picture:
Wondering if anyone has any tips on where to get started to remedy this issue. The strange thing is, that my Stripe plugin still shows the correct amount, it seems to just display the incorrect one to me and my customers.
]]>Can this code set wrong amount???
]]> I recently have some problems with my Woocommerce cart. I’ve 4 type of gift card and when the user is adding the gift card into the card, the total in the system showing the wrong total and charge the customer the wrong total.
Some orders are correct, others are wrong. I’m not sure what’s happening and it is causing lots or grief as you can see.
Attached is the image of the transaction showing two different type of problems.
1- Wrong total
2- Wrong amount, right total
I’ve checked the product’s price and it is correct. Not sure what to go from here. Any help really appreciated.
]]>I am looking for help with this problem . I have set in the reading setting show 4 posts to the front however it is showing 6 . Is there a way to fix this.
The site is AZ Tea Team
Any help would be wonderful .. thank you
]]>After a visitor makes a donation on PayPal, the meter goes up and reflects the donation accurately, however… Because my PayPal account is constantly revolving (incoming funds are withdrew shortly after they are deposited into PayPal) the meter deducts the donation as if it was never made.
So for example a visitor donates $100… The meter immediately shows a $100 total automatically. That is great. But when the money automatically transfers out of the PayPal account the meter drops back down to a $0 balance as if the donation was never made. And despite the ability to add it back in as an offline donation, this is a huge hassle. It defeats the purpose of automatic tracking, if I constantly have to go back in and perform manual updates and calculations.
Can this be fixed? Can the meter only add and not subtract to the total received so far? Please get back with me to let me know if this is possible or if there is a better solution out there for this purpose.
My site: Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
]]>I am having another issue as well during the occasional chance the shipping actually does work.
I use as my payment gateway. When a customer submits their order (with shipping charge actually added on to their total), is not calculating the shipping in the Total Amount, so the amount processed on a customer’s credit card is the total less the shipping charge. The receipt that a customer receives via email from me shows a different amount than the receipt received by I called and they say it is a shopping cart problem (an error with the code maybe?) where somehow the shipping rate is not being calculated in the Total Amount. The Total Amount is what is processed by
What can I do to fix this problem??? I’ve eaten a lot of shipping costs.