I have a problem with custom post types created via Custom Post Type UI and the word “xhtml”.
When I write the word “xhtml” in title of custom post or any other custom field in it I receive 404 error and nothing saved to database.
But I can create standard post or page with this word without problem or can use it in any custom field.
In the same time there is no such problem at local server, and maybe it’s a problem in some server settings, but standard wordpress post types do not have this problem. Maybe I can solve this problem by changing some settings in post types created via Custom Post Type UI?
]]>It′s in the following part of code:
<label class="cli-switch">
<input type="checkbox" class="cli-user-preference-checkbox" data-id="checkbox-non-necessary"checked />
<span class="cli-slider" data-cli-enable="Enabled" data-cli-disable="Disabled"></span>
Please change the
<input type="checkbox" class="cli-user-preference-checkbox" data-id="checkbox-non-necessary"checked />
<input type="checkbox" class="cli-user-preference-checkbox" data-id="checkbox-non-necessary" checked />
(a space before the “checked” attribut is missing).
Cheers Stefan
]]>THe link above is to the HTML based website, not WP based.
1) DOes anyone know a sure fire way to upload the HTML pages, hereby being able to benefit from the plugins and versatility of WP?
2) I wonder if I should let it be as is, since it is working well apart from me having had to adjust some links. THen get some developer to create a NAv bar. I don’t know if there is some easy Vertical Nav bar code available somewhere which would be easy to insert the page links into?
Updated Comment: Above was the original rating of 1 comment. I think the backwards compatibility of the theme goes so far back it might cause the browser to think it’s an earlier style of HTML but upon opening the source I could see it was not and appears to be what the description states.
Maybe backwards compatibility all the way to XP is not needed anymore.
Thanks for all the hard work!
Anyone had this problem before or know what is causing it?
]]><script type='text/javascript' src='https://stats.wp.com/e-201609.js' async defer></script>
is not valid XHTML, and gives me a rendering error. It needs to be <script type='text/javascript' src='https://stats.wp.com/e-201609.js' async='' defer=''></script>
]]>I am using WPML on an English(default)/Chinese site.
On most pages the returned Chinese translation page was okay, but I found that on my category pages the Chinese translation was returning pages with the old <div id="content">
Genesis xhtml markup tags instead of the <main class="content">
html5 tags.
WPML support duplicated my site in their test environment and identified the problem as being a compatibility issue with the Genesis connect plugin.
They said that they will contact you to work out the problem and it will take time. I hope you guys can get your heads together and iron-out this quirk.
In the meantime, I am using a workaround, by adding #content
to my .content
css styling. It works, and now that I know the nature of my issue, it shouldn’t cause too much of a problem.
I also posted all relevant links in the studiopress internationalizations and translations forum.
]]>I’m having a very old website at https://www.apfcpanels.com/ which is static XHTML with some PHP for header/footer/sidebar, contact page and newsletter subscription in footer.
Otherwise its a static XHTML(not html 5). I want to convert it in WordPress but not want to lose SEO ranking. So I’m looking for some what similar theme which may not a exact match in color and menu style but can do almost every thing in functionality and more important it can incorporate all data which is important for SEO ranking.