I am considering converting our XOOPS driven site to WordPress, as we are using the XPressME Integration Kit, which ‘combines WordPress 3.1 and the XPressME module to ‘make’ a WordPress XOOPS working module. I am quite impressed with WordPress, despite having used XOOPS for many years.
Have spent considerable time doing searches on the WP forums about XOOPS. Most of the posts are very old (also most closed), and therefore irrelevant, and many of the other posts do not contain the information I’m seeking. Therefore, please don’t suggest I search the forums.
Here is what we are using now, each ‘part’ is called a module in XOOPS.
1. WordPress – I’m assuming I can use the db tables to import from XOOPS to WP, as I now use WP Admin to add new posts, etc
2. Headlines – This is a RSS news feed. It has categories, and within categories, you simply supply the uri of the news feed and a decription, also how long you want the cache to be, XML, rss type, etc. There are options about whether to display images, full text, number of news stories each ‘page’, etc
3. Links – Categories can be setup here also, and then within each category, add a link to a site, plus add HTML to describe any info and images, etc, that you may want to use.
4. Sitemap – Fairly basic sitemap. If you change any part of the site, it does it automatically. Part of this is to give Google, etc a sitemap, just a .php file.
5. Contact Us – Simple contact form, name, email, message, BUT is has captcha, which is a definite need, as bots can be a nuisance, so forcing a ‘person’ to do it is the best way.
So, looking for plugins I guess, that would do the same job as the above. Here is the server config ..
Apache version 2.2.13
PHP version 5.2.10
MySQL version 5.0.92-community
don’t see a problem there. Also, our host has the security side of things very well ‘tight’. Which brings to mind probably the most important side of ‘staying’ with XOOPS these so many years, is that it has a module called ‘Protector’, which was originally designed/built by GIJOE, see Protectors download info . The brief info there about what Protector can do ..
– DoS
– Bad Crawlers (like bots collecting e-mails…)
– SQL Injection
– XSS (not all though)
– System globals pollution
– Session hi-jacking
– Null-bytes
– Directory Traversal
– Some kind of CSRF (fatal in XOOPS <=
– Brute Force
– Camouflaged Image File Uploading (== IE Content-Type XSS)
– Executable File Uploading Attack
– XMLRPC’s eval() and SQL Injection Attacks
– SPAMs for comment, trackback etc.
It is very powerful, and has saved many sites from being hacked. This is probably my biggest concern with moving from XOOPS to WordPress, the module Protector is very good on the security side of things.
Is there a WordPress plugin that I could use that will give me the ‘protection’ that the XOOPS protector module has been giving ?
I realise other protection measures can always be in place, like cmod to lowest level possible, etc.
]]>I am running a website in xoops, it is basically one module where I write and submit images… I have been considering lately to move the website to wordpress, but I am not fully convinced and that is why I am looking for some feedback here
can you give me some reasons/advantages that I will have if I move up to wordpress?? I already have a clue on how to do the migration and it is a hard work, but as while I believe wordpress has more chances to be improved nowdays, I don’t know how the performance would be, it is a big site with over 30000 posts and thousands of users submiting content
thanks in advance for your comments
]]>Basically, I’d like to have users, user profiles, a picture submission area with caption and category selection, a blog area for users to submit blogs, and user forums.
For one thing, I think www.hotdogblog.com only uses WordPress for their blog section (“module”?)…that’s what I gather from looking at the source file of that main page. I see a reference to Xoops in the footer, but I have no idea how to use Xoops or if it would be a better option than WP for this type of site. Does anyone know how to implement the rest of the functions on that site?
]]>I am attempting to move all my users from my site (currently using XOOPS) to WPMU 2.7.1
I have matched up the proper tables from the db but with my limited sql ability I am stumped about how to convert the unix timestamp from user_regdate in XOOPS to the date format used in WPMU.
I am simply using the sql statement below in the myPHPadmin sql window.
It looks like using FROM_UNIXTIME might be a solution but I am unsure how to use it within the sql statement below.
AS ‘ID’, uname
AS ‘login_name’, uname
AS ‘user_nicename’, pass
AS ‘user_pass’, email
AS ‘user_email’, url
AS ‘user_url’, user_regdate
AS ‘user_registered’, uname
AS ‘display_name’ FROM mcm_users
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Foz
]]>I’m running into a bit of trouble, and I was hoping I could ask your advice. I’m running an aging blog on a xoops platform using the old XPress module. XPress is wordpress, so I dare ask this question here. And I am going to use my top domain for a new wordpress blog.
My intention is to deprecate the Xoops site and go with a pure wordpress blog. The XPress module is a great module, but it is dead and no one seem to be maintaining it.
Now, I have mirrored the old site as an archive, and i would like to use .htaccess to permanently move all the incoming visitors and links to the subdomain “old”.
The nearly two thousand posts I have on the old blog can all be identified with the following pattern:
[mydomain.com]/modules/wordpress/[some post link]
When someone (or something) clicks on a link on google or the blog portals, they should be permanently redicted to my archive. Anyone that clicks a link without that pattern should be allowed to see the new site.
I’ve read dozens and dozens of htaccess guides, and I think I can reasonably redirect specific files, and specific pages, but how do you redirect according to the above pattern? I can’t seem to find the answer. It will probably be very simple, but so far all my attempts to edit the htaccess results in a 500-error.
This is my last attempt – which gave the 500-error. I’ve got Option +SymLinks on.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^https://[mydomain.com/modules/wordpress/ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^https://[www.mydomain.com]/modules/wordpress/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://old.[mydomain.com]/modules/wordpress/$ [R=301,NC,L]
Hopefully you all know the answer, and hopefully you could share it with me before I get completely bald from tearing my hair out.
Cheers and thanks in advance.
]]>I have a xoops database, with posts that I want to transfer to wordpress.
About 200 posts, all posts have the same author and category.
So I do a select like this to populate an empty and fresh wordpress installation. :
insert into wp_posts (SELECT storyid AS ID, 1 AS post_author, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_date, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_date_gmt, bodytext AS post_content, title AS post_title, 0 AS post_category, hometext AS post_excerpt, ‘publish’ AS post_status, ‘closed’ AS comment_status, ‘closed’ AS ping_status, ” AS post_password, storyid AS post_name, ” AS to_ping, ” AS pinged, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_modified, FROM_UNIXTIME( published ) AS post_modified_gmt, ” AS post_content_filtered, “” AS post_parent, ” AS guid, ” AS menu_order, “” AS post_type, ” AS post_mime_type, 0 AS comment_count FROM xoops_stories
This works fine, no problems running the query. And I can see all the posts in the table wp_posts as expected.
But from the web GUI in wordpress, there is nothing.
When I “add new post” from the web GUI. That posts appear as normal.
Is this not that straight forward or have I forgot something.
Any relations or something..?
Best Regards
I want to migrate my site from xoops to wordpress. I’m using xoops 2.3.0 (latest version 2.3.2). My site has about 75 articles, 150 users and about 8000 posts on forum wich came with xoops (newBB/CBB).
I can manually post my articles again, but i want to migrate forum posts, categories and subforums to any other forum wich can be used with WordPress. SMF/PHPBB would be the best choices.
Can anyone help me with this? I am willing to pay for anyone doing this converter.
Thx in advance.
And again, my apologies if this topic isn’t meant for this forum.
Please help,
Many thanks,