i’ve XML with data, that contains information about tax.
I created 2 tax classes with WooCommerce:
Standard – 23% and Reduced Rate – 8%
My XML contains value of the tax – ex. 8
I need to change class tax based on that value.
XML looks like that:
How can i achive that with Xpath? Or maybe it is another way to do it?
]]>I want to use multiple elements on a function.
Xml Elements
<kategorialt>K?pek Bak?m Sa?l?k</kategorialt>
Xpath Function
Any ideas or advice on where I went wrong?
Thank you!
"product_categories" : [
{ "name":"Category 1", "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "slug":"category-1" },
{ "name":"Category 2", "description":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "slug":"category-2" },
<Name>Category 1</Name>
<Description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</Description>
<Name>Category 2/Name>
<Description>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</Description>
So far I’ve had to set up separate imports to get the terms imported directly into a Taxonomy to pull the other data for the taxonomy terms and match them with the comma-separated names, but it would be much more efficient to be able to get this information through the WooCommerce add-on in one feed as Products are the only post type needed.
]]>When using simple Xpath get value by attribute name {attrs/a[@name="Rozmiar pier?cionków"]}
it doesnt work because it contains non-standard character ? ó . I couldnt wrap my head around it.
After long searching I found https://gist.github.com/trey8611/7b6e79e6610f9d2b06257fb570f05e03 “WP All Import – use XPath Query based on Cyrillic attribute value” from trey8611.
So for example: Rozmiar pier?cionków
Encoded with https://mothereff.in/html-entities
(Enable option “only encode unsafe and non-ASCII characters”)
Rozmiar pier?cionków => Rozmiar pierś ;cionkó ;w"
(I added spaces before ; because it would auto decode here even inside code block)
Different results:
0 {attrs/a/@name} --- Rozmiar pier?cionków --- Correct test
1 {attrs/a[@name="Rozmiar pier?cionków"]} --- Doesnt work
2 {attrs/a[@name="Rozmiar pierś ;cionkó ;w"]} --- US8 EU17 --- Correct working answer!
3 {attrs/a[@name="Rozmiar pier&sacute ;cionkó ;w"]} --- Doesnt work
4 {attrs/a[@name="R ;o ;z ;m ;i ;a ;r ;  ;p ;i ;e ;r ;ś ;c ;i ;o ;n ;k ;ó ;w"]} --- Doesnt work
(I added spaces before ; because it would auto decode here even inside code block)
Works for cyrillic characters too.
Happy imports ??
]]>If there is a comma, the filter system will not work to show more prices.
“10” works.
“10.00” works.
“10,00” does not work. “There are no elements to import based on your XPath.”
Trieds: /item[price1[1] >= 10]
/item[price1[1] >= 10,00]
Below are a few sample products.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ProductName>ModaCar Magnus Trafik Emniyet Seti 428901</ProductName>
<Description> </Description>
<MainGroup>ARAC AKSESUAR</MainGroup>
<EndGroup>Trafik Yol Yard?mc? ürünler</EndGroup>
<ProductName>ModaCar 7.9 mm 1 Metrekare Oto Ses Is? Yal?t?m Levhas? 428899</ProductName>
<Description> </Description>
<MainGroup>Mutfak ürünleri</MainGroup>
<EndGroup>Ara? Kap? Koruyucu</EndGroup>
<ProductName>Modacar Vogue Spralli Aux Kablosu 427620 </ProductName>
<Description> </Description>
<MainGroup>Mutfak ürünleri</MainGroup>
<EndGroup>AUX Kablo ve D?nü?türücü</EndGroup>
<ProductName>HomeCare Rolland Lavabo A??c? Pratik 715810 6 l? ?ndirimli Paket</ProductName>
<Description> </Description>
<MainGroup>Mutfak ürünleri</MainGroup>
<EndGroup>Lavabo A??c? ve T?ka?lar</EndGroup>
<ProductName>Transformacion Cecilio Saya?l? ?p Atlama Lasti?i 715493 6 LI ?ND?R?ML? PAKET</ProductName>
<Description> </Description>
<MainGroup>Mutfak ürünleri</MainGroup>
]]>How can figure out the problem? Thanks.
]]>I have an element <CloseDate>01202020</CloseDate> that is written in DDYMMYYYY format. I only want to import posts that have a close date after 00002021 (that is, from the year 2021 onwards.)
How do I do this with the available filters in Wp All Import?
For example, I tried the greater than 00002021 but an old post from 1999 will still get imported because the number 01001999 is larger than 00002021.
I also tried greater than ends with 2020$ but that didn’t work.
Thanks for the plugin.
]]><PRODUCT ITEM=”WHCHEAMAR” NAME=”Passion Amara Chemise”>
<STOCK Size=”S/M”>In Stock</STOCK>
<STOCK Size=”L/XL”>In Stock</STOCK>
Kindly assist.
Thank you.