The point of embedding the video url into the description was to format in order to take advantage of the auto-embed method for video, and this worked fine when looking at the feed in RSSOwl and the wordpress plugin FeedWordPress (which currently is not a solution because of the way it handles excerpts) however wp-o-matic doesnt even fetch the YP feed. (Neither do some other plugins I am looking at)
I am wondering if it could be something as simple as the URL structure,
or if the problem is the feed or post format. As I say my first test with fetching the feeds in both RSSOwl and FeedWordPress were positive.
Not overly hopeful about the author support in here but can anybody help?
]]>On first loading the feed I get “This feed has errors”
loads perfectly Ok in RSSOWl, and FeedWordPress
Can you advice me what the stumbling block is, and if there is a workaround.
]]>The message, which is repeated many times, is:
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/rss.php on line 104
The only thing I can glean from searches is that is has something to do with finding urls, which makes sense because I’m trying to import external RSS feeds, specifically Yahoo Pipes created feeds. The code I’m using is thus:
<div class="leftbox">
<h1>Latest Headlines</h1>
<p class="body">
<?php require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php');
$url = '';
$rss = fetch_rss( $url );
if ( $rss ) {
$i = 1;
foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
$href = $item['link'];
$title = $item['title'];
$description = $item['description'];
$pubdate = $item['pubdate'];
$pubdate = substr($item['pubdate'], 0, 16);
echo "<p class='body'><h1><a href="$href">$title</a></h1>$pubdate$description<a href="$href">[link to article]</a></p>";
if ($i == 5 ) break;
$i = $i + 1;
Does anyone have any clues as to what’s going on here? Thanks in advance.
How can I make WordPress give me this output automatically? A search suggests the answer is to add something in functions.php, but I don’t know how.
Best regards,
]]>Is there a way to structure an RSS feed so when it’s imported into WordPress, it will read the tags I’ve programatically assigned to the post.
For example, in a single RSS feed I’d import, I’d have Post 1 with the tag “Twitter” and in Post 2 I’d like it to be tagged “Facebook”. I’d use Yahoo pipes to work how which posts get what tag. I’d just need to know:
1. Can code be placed in an RSS feed that WordPress will interpret as a “tag”
2. If so what’s the syntax.
]]>Pipe page:
The pipe as RSS (add your profile # from url to end of pipe: &profile=YOURID):
Let me know if it’s any use!
]]>echo wp_specialchars(substr($item2['title'],0,80)) . "...";
this works great. Yahoo pipes stores the author under dc.creator. How do I reference that in the RSS feed. I’ve tried this, but it doesn’t work.
echo wp_specialchars($item2['dc']['creator']);
The full code looks this, and it was created by the nice people at devlougne.
require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php');
// insert the feed URL here
// insert the feed URL here
$rss2 = @fetch_rss('');
if ( isset($rss2->items) && 0 != count($rss2->items) ) {
// set the number of items from the feed to display (10)
$rss2->items = array_slice($rss2->items, 0, 10);
foreach ($rss2->items as $item2 ) {
<a href='<?php echo wp_filter_kses($item2['link']); ?>'>
if (strlen($item2['title']) > 80)
echo wp_specialchars(substr($item2['title'],0,80)) . "...";
echo wp_specialchars($item2['title']);
<br />
<span class="cfroundmoreinfo"><?php echo wp_specialchars($item2['dc']['creator']); ?></span></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
]]> 1) I wanted music news only.
2) I wanted music news from different RSS sources.
3) I wanted to prevent duplicate news items.
4) I wanted only news about a specific artist (as each post is only about one musical artist).
4) I wanted the feed to take up as little real estate as possible while still being functional.
This of course meant that I would need to mashup several data-sources and find a way to script that into my blog.
Enter from Stage Left: Yahoo Pipes.
I have a complete tutorial on
]]>The RSS feed for the pipe is at:
I know the feed is working because I am able to subscribe to it in Bloglines.
I know the plugin is working in general because I didn’t have a problem syndicating another feed.
I have entered the feed address referenced above under the syndication subtab of the syndication tab, and the site appears under the syndicated sites list. However, none of the posts in the feed are showing up in my list of posts or on my site. When I click on “update feeds now” under the syndication tab, it says “Update complete. 0 new posts were syndicated and 0 existing posts were updated.”
I have the FeedWordPress Options set to publish syndicated posts immediately.
My site is at
How can I fix this?