From site-owner point of view:
I’m have a site where you don’t need to log-in to WordPress to be able to comment.
however as site-owner i want to check those comments, so hey go directly into ‘Your comment is awaiting moderation’.
A commentor must fill in NAME / E-MAIL / COMMENT.
Now as site owner i do get an e-mail to approve or disapprove the comment.
But as a customer/commentor it would be nice to receive an e-mail also (something like: Thanks for you comment, it is held for moderation and our team will check it and approve or decline)
I’m using Better Notifications for WordPress to test, but it seems to be missing there. As the customer/commentor does provide his/here e-mail this shouldn’t be that difficult or am i missing something on my end?
Hope to here from you to point me in a direction to solve this.
The elephant
]]>Google play returns this error:
Podcast RSS feed must include a podcast title, an author and an email. Please update your RSS feed to continue.
I cannot figure out what setting to change to figure this out.
]]>I am trying to develop locally. I have Mamp set up on a Mac and I am loading an old website to get an idea of how it looks without having to buy hosting.
I have no problem accessing 2 other websites (one of which loads fine in WordPress) but cannot get this other site to load. It has the above error.
your php installation appears to be missing the mysql extension which is required by wordpress
I have tried several forums but the information there seems to be geared towards PC and Linux.
I have tried installing the WP MySQLi plugin to patch this problem but I still get the above error.
I am using:
MAC: OS x el Capitan version 10.11.1
WordPress: 4.5.3
MAMP: Version 3.5.2 (3.5.2)
PHP: 5.6.10
I have found numerous php.ini files in the website WP-content folder i am trying to load. All related to different versions. I presume if any editing is to be made it is in the PHP folder relative to the version I am using on the MAMP Server?
I have tried editing these removing “extension dir=” files etc but this also has not solved the issue.
I have located all websites in a “site” folder. Am I limited to loading one WordPress website, perhaps this is the reason for the error?
]]>I’ve always had the “Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.” error on my contact form, even though the emails were sending okay.
I had changed the error message to say the everything was fine, but then it had stopped working a little while ago and I didn’t notice. I know…
So I’ve decided to dig into this a bit more, however searching for the error message just brings up issues with slightly different symptoms.
I’m creating a Contact Form with all the default settings, but let me know what additional info you need.
Many thanks
]]>I have the multilinguage version of WordPress.
Thank you