I am currently using the TL Auto Feature Image plugin on my website. If my post has a youtube video and I save the post, TL Auto Feature Image saves the thumbnail of the video into my media database.
TL Auto Feature Image does this even when I have a header image in the post and save that image as the featured image.
How do I stop TL Auto Feature Image from saving youtube thumbnails to my media database?
Thank you.
]]>I just bought the premium version of Feed Them Social to use it on a friend’s website, but I can’t manage to display thumbnails closed to the current video, whereas it works on your demo site…
Here is my shortcode : [fts_youtube vid_count=50 large_vid=yes large_vid_description=yes thumbs_play_in_iframe=yes vids_in_row=2 omit_first_thumbnail=no space_between_videos=10px force_columns=no maxres_thumbnail_images=yes thumbs_wrap_color=#666666 wrap=right video_wrap_display=2 comments_count=0 playlist_id=PLS-5qupmTiPiGWOD3QF2_cRnfDiOmJ7km channel_id=UCDFkKJw_xGBgGxqCT2PiRKw]
And here is my system info :
### Begin System Info ###
SITE_URL: https://yanndegruel.fr
Feed Them Social Version: 3.0.2
-- WordPress Configuration:
WordPress Version: 6.1.1
Multisite: No
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Active Theme: Yann Dégruel
PHP Memory Limit: 2048M
WP_DEBUG: Disabled
-- Webserver Configuration:
PHP Version: 7.4.33
Web Server Info: apache
-- PHP Configuration:
Upload Max Size: 512M
Post Max Size: 512M
Upload Max Filesize: 512M
Time Limit: 3600
Max Input Vars: 250000
Allow URL File Open: N/A
Display Erros: On (1)
-- PHP Extensions:
json: Your server supports json.
FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
cURL: Your server supports cURL.
curl_multi: Your server supports curl_multi_select.
-- FTS Settings->Global Options:
Cache time: 1 Day (Default)
-- Active Plugins:
Admin Menu Editor: 1.10.4
Aquila Admin Theme: 3.1.1
Elementor: 3.9.0
Feed Them Social - for Twitter feed, Youtube, and more: 3.0.2
Feed Them Social Premium: 1.7.6
LiteSpeed Cache: 5.3.1
PRO Elements: 3.8.0
Real Custom Post Order: 1.3.32
-- Custom Token or Keys added to Options Pages
-- You must have a custom token to use the feeds
Facebook App Token: No
Twitter Consumer Key: No
Twitter Secret: No
Twitter Token: No
Twitter Token Secret: No
Instagram Basic Token: No
Instagram Business Token: No
YouTube: Yes
-- FaceBook & Twitter Date Format and Timezone
Date Format: d/m/Y @ G:i
Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
-- Hide Facebook Images in Posts:
Hide: No
-- Hide Facebook Error Handler:
Hide: No
-- Fix Twitter Time:
Fix: No
-- Disable Magnific CSS:
Fix: No
-- Fix Internal Server Error:
Fix: No
-- Load More Options:
Override: No
-- Premium Extensions:
Premium Active: Yes
### End System Info ###
Thanks for your help !
Arnaud BeLO.
First of all, thank you for the plugin.
I have such a problem. On youtube videos I have thumbnail which is size 1280×720 (16:9). When I insert a video on my site via your plugin, it shows a bad thumbnail. Thumbnail have black bar up an down.
I looked at the misc_functions.php on the line: 565 is the code
$ anchor_replacement. = '<img src = "https://img.youtube.com/vi/'.$video_id.'/0.jpg" class = "video_lightbox_auto_anchor_image" alt = "'. $ alt. '" /> ';
you are using https://img.youtube.com/vi/’.$video_id.’/0.jpg I would need to use https://img.youtube.com/vi/’.$video_id.’/mqdefault.jpg because this thumbnail has the right dimensions.
but when I edit in the code that line, my site is the crash
please can you help me ?
]]>Theme is Hueman same as I use
]]>When publishing a post that contains a YouTube video (inserted into the post using the YouTube embed code), and nothing else (no text/images), from WordPress to Facebook using the “publicize” feature, the YouTube thumbnail does not show. I would like to show the video thumbnail in my Facebook post. How can I do this?
My website is ninjasensei.com
My workaround was to take a screenshot of the video thumbnail and set it as the featured image. It then showed in my Facebook post but when I navigated to my page it displayed next to my video messing up the formatting. I then deleted the featured image. It still shows on the Facebook post and not on my blog post, which is what I want. I know there is a modification I can do to the single.php page to remove the featured image from the post but I do not have the code that others have referenced.
]]>My website is ninjasensei.com
My workaround was to take a screenshot of the video thumbnail and set it as the featured image. It then showed in my Facebook post but when I navigated to my website to view the post it displayed next to my video which messed up the formatting. I deleted the featured image. It still shows on the Facebook post and not on my blog post, which is what I want. I know there is a modification I can do to the single.php page to remove the featured image from the post but I do not have the code that other posts have referenced.
]]>Anyway, when publishing a post that contains a YouTube video (inserted into the post using the YouTube embed code), and nothing else (no text/images), from WordPress to Facebook using the “publicize” feature, the YouTube thumbnail does not show. I would like to show the video thumbnail in my Facebook post. How can I do this?
My website is ninjasensei.com
My workaround was to take a screenshot of the video thumbnail and set it as the featured image. It then showed in my Facebook post but when I navigated to my page it displayed next to my video disrupting the formatting. I deleted the featured image. It still shows on the Facebook post and not on my blog post, which is what I want. I know there is a modification I can do to the single.php page to remove the featured image from the post but I do not have the code that others have referenced.