]]>Good Day,
Does your plugin protect against zero-day attacks or malware? If so, what are the recommended plugin settings to ensure the defense mechanism is in place?
Thank you!
]]>Good Day,
Does your plugin protect against zero-day attacks or malware? If so, what are the recommended plugin settings to ensure the defense mechanism is in place?
Thank you!
]]>Does your plugin protect against zero-day attacks or malware? If so, what are the recommended plugin settings to ensure the defense mechanism is in place?
Thank you!
]]>{CAV}Win.Trojan.Hide-1 : /home/(edited_out)/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-manager/lib/files/FecCff.php
We DID NOT install this plugin, the hosting provider said this was probably because something on the site was out of date and that allowed a hacker to get in, and he/she most likely installed this plugin since it gives them access to basically all the files on the server and they used this plugin to even change the password for the cPanel login.
I’m sorry to say but it looks like this plugin should not exist, or at least not be available to the general public.
I don’t need any help, i just need this plugin to not exist anymore.
]]>Can we survive Zero-day attack? (like Yellow Pencil and Yuzo Related Post recently)
]]>WARNING : upgrade timthumb version of the plugin !
On of my server crashed, due to timthumb 2.7 security hole ! Read
I hoe this help,
]]>I’m not sure that my blog version was 3.2, but several days ago, maybe it was a week, I upgraded my blog to the latest wordpress version.
Would this be related to the Zero-day bug? Any way I could recover my original blog??
]]>I hope you fix this vulnerability in next versions.