When I enable the free trial, while adding the product to the cart it’s displaying there with zero price per month
€0.00 / Month
and 1 Day free trial
If remove the trial, it displays the price per month correctly
€97.00 / Month
Subscription settings for the products are:
Subscriptions Per Interval? 1? Months??
Subscriptions Expiry Interval?–?
Initial Signup fee –
Free trial interval?1 Days
Can you please help with that?
]]>Instead, the plugin converts the price for other currencies to zero.
Empty price says that the product cannot be purchased, but when the price is zero it says that the price is free.
In your plugin, you should check if the price is empty (equals to ”) then don’t process anything and just return the value as-is.
The suspicious code line is here:
/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-currency-switcher/classes/woocs.php line 1809
Thank you.
]]>I have a default settings woocommerce and default settings Woo Product Table, but product with price=0 do not. output in the table.
Pls Help!
]]>υγ: ευχαριστο?με για το plugin
Here is a bug that I found accidentally;
if a product has zero price variation > iyzico returns with “Fiyat bilgisi s?f?rdan büyük olmal?d?r” validation error even you try to check-out the variation which has a price value more than zero. This is a bug because variations are “product” like simple type products, they have their own stock code and prices. Payment gateway can not decline a product that has a price value that more than zero.
Test steps
When customer try to purchase Blue Tshirt the cart has a 10TL total amount. But iyzico declines that order by assuming it has zero cart value.
I changed the zero price value to 0,01 for the White Tshirt and it worked for the Blue Tshirt.
]]>The product has a price, but just doesn’t display when adding to cart.
The product has been updated to have the correct types like:
get_product_price( $_product )
get_product_subtotal( $_product, $cart_item['quantity'] )
]]>However, just now I ran into a snag. First the versions and settings used:
WooCommerce 3.0.7 / WooCommerce Helper 1.7.2 / Woo-RFQ 1.7.99999.5 (no other plugins)
Theme: Child theme of Storefront, so far no modifications.
Woo-RFQ: General 1 Normal Checkout, 2 and 4 not checked, 3 checked.
Custom labels 1 and 3 translated, everything else unchanged.
I have simple and variable products (dummies so far). One is intended to be available by quote request only, ‘Enable RFQ for this product.’ is checked. This works as intended:
Another one is a free download, however to download the recipient is expected to enter his/her contact data. Price is set to zero. Even though ‘Enable RFQ for this product.’ is NOT checked, the ‘add to cart’ button does not appear:
Third: a conference, where participation is free, but people need to reserve their places via the shopping cart. Here for testing purposes ‘Enable RFQ for this product.’ is checked. The RFQ button and ‘add to cart’ show.
By checking ‘Enable RFQ for this product.’ for all zero price products and fiddling with the CSS I can get this to work. It would be much preferable though (and easier to explain to people), if the plugin wouldn’t hide ‘add to cart’.
Can you suggest a workaround without altering your plugin’s code? Possibly by placing a modified copy of a file in my theme folder – if so, which one and what lines wouuld I have to look at?
Thank you!