I’m creating my first website, and encountering some difficulties with the responsiveness. I was hoping any wordpress experts might help me with the following:
I’m developing my site on my desktop. Here, everything looks great; all is aligned like how I set it and the font size is decent. However. Once I view my site on my (smaller screen laptop), it doesn’t at all look the same. The page goes almost from border to border (whereas on my desktop it has some breathing room on the sides), the font size is way larger, and it is not aligned with the images anymore. A great example of this can be seen on rianneriemensphotography.nl/werkwijze.
Interesting enough, if I reduce the screen size view on my laptop from the default 100% to 80%, it looks almost similar to how I intended it (and how it looks on my desktop). I know I can make specific changes for phone, tablet, and desktop. But how can I ensure that my site also looks like it should on a laptop, without users having to manually adjust the browser zoom (which no-one who just gets to your site will do)?
Thanks in advance! And happy holidays!!
]]>For the custom field image/photo how could I activate the zoom on the photos of the gallery for smartphone and computer users?
At least could you indicate the php/CSS page to change the code of the gallery display for smartphone?
Note : I do not speak of the featured image display, but only of the photos gallery.
Thank you