Is it possible to allow zooming on phones with this plugin enabled?
]]>I am always grateful for using your Leaflet plugin. Today, I would like to get answers to two fundamental questions from experts.
First, is there a way to zoom only with the mouse wheel without pressing the Ctrl key when zooming?
The second question is that OSM always shows country or city names, but I don’t want them displayed. Is there any way to do that?
]]>I’m looking for a way to avoid zooming on the map when scrolling if the mouse is on it. As you can see on the site, the map takes quite some space, and there are other info below it.
Even better, is there a way to have a google like “ctrl+scroll” and “two finger move map” ? That would be so perfect !
Thanks in advance
]]>Great plugin BTW. Question; can an image open on its own page instead of a gallery? Like the direct link or is there any way to zoom on mobile. I’m trying to zoom the photo once I click on it. This is the default action on WordPress images that are linked directly and viewed on mobile. So instead of opening in lightbox, I want it to go directly to the image so you can zoom, see your sample: