• Sine


    I have tocked but when I tested it out myself it shows all posts and they can also post themselves, I want users to be able to read posts and comment, and THAT’S IT!!


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  • lawtai


    in the options, have it set so that newly registered users can’t post? Or go into the users menu and lower their user level.



    What version of WP are you using? In 1.2.2, you go into the Admin Panel under OPTIONS > General and ensure that you have NOT checked:

    • Anyone can register
    • Any registered member can publish articles

    Unless set up otherwise, you don’t need to have people register in order to post comments. In fact, you can remove the register link from your site without any problem, if you wish to be the only author.

    Thread Starter Sine


    I am using 1.5 and I have set so newly registerd users cant post but they still can ?? So if registered they can also post to me blog?

    Thread Starter Sine





    What seemed to work for me is unchecking the “newly registered users can post” box and in wp-admin/menu.php, change the user levels to what suits your needs. As an example:

    $menu[0] = array(__('Dashboard'), 0, 'index.php');
    $menu[5] = array(__('Write'), 5, 'post.php');
    $menu[10] = array(__('Manage'), 5, 'edit.php');
    $menu[20] = array(__('Links'), 5, 'link-manager.php');
    $menu[25] = array(__('Presentation'), 8, 'themes.php');
    $menu[30] = array(__('Plugins'), 8, 'plugins.php');
    $menu[35] = array(__('Users'), 0, 'profile.php');
    $menu[40] = array(__('Options'), 6, 'options-general.php');

    if ( get_option('use_fileupload') )
    $menu[45] = array(__('Upload'), get_settings('fileupload_minlevel'), 'upload.php');

    $submenu['post.php'][5] = array(__('Write Post'), 5, 'post.php');
    $submenu['post.php'][10] = array(__('Write Page'), 5, 'page-new.php');

    $submenu['edit.php'][5] = array(__('Posts'), 5, 'edit.php');
    $submenu['edit.php'][10] = array(__('Pages'), 5, 'edit-pages.php');
    $submenu['edit.php'][15] = array(__('Categories'), 5, 'categories.php');
    $submenu['edit.php'][20] = array(__('Comments'), 5, 'edit-comments.php');
    $awaiting_mod = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '0'");
    $submenu['edit.php'][25] = array(sprintf(__("Awaiting Moderation (%s)"), $awaiting_mod), 5, 'moderation.php');
    $submenu['edit.php'][30] = array(__('Files'), 8, 'templates.php');

    $submenu['link-manager.php'][5] = array(__('Manage Links'), 5, 'link-manager.php');
    $submenu['link-manager.php'][10] = array(__('Add Link'), 5, 'link-add.php');
    $submenu['link-manager.php'][15] = array(__('Link Categories'), 5, 'link-categories.php');
    $submenu['link-manager.php'][20] = array(__('Import Links'), 5, 'link-import.php');

    $submenu['profile.php'][5] = array(__('Your Profile'), 0, 'profile.php');
    $submenu['profile.php'][10] = array(__('Authors & Users'), 5, 'users.php');

    $submenu['options-general.php'][5] = array(__('General'), 6, 'options-general.php');
    $submenu['options-general.php'][10] = array(__('Writing'), 6, 'options-writing.php');
    $submenu['options-general.php'][15] = array(__('Reading'), 6, 'options-reading.php');
    $submenu['options-general.php'][20] = array(__('Discussion'), 6, 'options-discussion.php');
    $submenu['options-general.php'][25] = array(__('Permalinks'), 6, 'options-permalink.php');
    $submenu['options-general.php'][30] = array(__('Miscellaneous'), 6, 'options-misc.php');

    $submenu['plugins.php'][5] = array(__('Plugins'), 8, 'plugins.php');
    $submenu['plugins.php'][10] = array(__('Plugin Editor'), 8, 'plugin-editor.php');

    $submenu['themes.php'][5] = array(__('Themes'), 8, 'themes.php');
    $submenu['themes.php'][10] = array(__('Theme Editor'), 8, 'theme-editor.php');

    I disabled positng in the same manner as emto36 does. However, now I want to allow any user to post…but only in one select category that I will call “Open Mic” – Any thoughts on how to accomlish BOTH restrictions.

    Moderator James Huff


    If you leave the users at level 0, they cannot post.

    I didn’t think they could post with a level Zero, but I just conducted a test and proved myself wrong. Now, I still cant figure out how to limit posting to only a select category.

    No, I don’t believe that that’s the case. I think that as long as a user is registered, they can post a comment, but if they remain at 0, they can’t write entries. I wouldn’t actually, know, as I don’t allow new registrants at all, but this is how I believe the system works.

    Hmmm…Well. I have an idea. I added a column, CAT_LEVEL to the categories table. I set the level for each category to match the USER_LEVEL that should be required to post in the given category.

    Now, I know I need to add the following to the SQL statment that builds the category dropdown, on the write section, of the WP1.5 dashboard. Do you happen to know where that function is, and what file it is in?

    …AND category_level=$user_level’

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