• garhi


    I am having troubles with this “5 minute installation”. the install.php is not seeing the wp-config.php. I uploaded the installation files into a subdirectory called “blog”. How to I direct the install.php to find the file?

    my line 3 is like this at present:

    if (!file_exists(‘../wp-config.php’))

    what am I doing wrong?

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  • Thread Starter garhi


    well not I’m connected but it can’t connect to the database. Gotta love those cheap hosts! I’ll probably have to change hosts to get this thing running, we’ll see…

    Hey, I’m having this same problem and I’m hoping someone can help. I installed all the files to: https://www.tagnout.com/quella/ and it says that no wp-config-sample.php exsists (and it does, I uploaded that) and I also uploaded wp-config.php with the proper fields. There’s no white space or whatever. However, I can’t get a single thing to show.
    I use either DOS prompt or FileZilla to edit all my files. This is the only access I have to my website. However, I can get information from my host provider if needed. He followed the install instructions as well and couldn’t get it to work either.

    Did you create a wp-config.php? WP comes with a wp-config-sample.php file, but that’s just so that you can change the necessary elements such as database name, username, and password. wp-config-sample.php itself is just a dummy file which does no good without the correct user info. To create your own wp-config.php file, just make the necessary changes in the sample file and rename wp-config.php

    I did that. I have both files up with the correct information in each. But nothing still shows up and when I go to install.php it says there’s no config file.

    hmm, did you keep the same folder structure that’s in the zip file?

    Folder structure? When I undid the zip file there was just files. And I transferred those files into my quella sub-directory. I didn’t change anything except the inputs for the wp-config.

    hmm, not sure if this’ll make a difference. Try CHMODing your quella folder to 777?

    How would I go about doing that? (I tried it in DOS Prompt and it said Invalid.)

    Moderator James Huff


    Is the wp-config.php in the same directory at install.php? Perhaps this will help: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_WordPress#Detailed_Instructions

    The detailed instructions don’t help as I do not have Cpanel or any of that stuff. I access my site through DOS Prompt or FileZilla.
    The wp-config is in the same directory as install.php.

    hmm, I thought the config file should be one folder under where the install.php file is. you can chmod in filezilla by right clicking and file attributes.

    Moderator James Huff


    The detailed instructions don’t help as I do not have Cpanel or any of that stuff.

    You don’t need “Cpanel or any of that stuff.” What you do need is an FTP app (FileZilla) and a text editor. Please read the instructions.

    I did the 777 thing. Still doesn’t recognize the config file. There were no folders when I unzipped the file. Just all the files inside the zip folder which I then transferred into my quella subdirectory. I then went into the wp-config-sample.php, changed what needed to be changed, saved as wp-config.php, uploaded it and now it says it doesn’t exsist.

    Macmanx: I read the instructions. I have followed the instructions. Nothing shows up. Or if something does show up, it says that there is no wp-config.php . However, I have uploaded this file, so how can there not be one? I have also inserted the username, password and such that it requires me to do so in the config.
    I have placed the files into my subdirectory where I’d like them to appear. Again, nothing shows up.
    I try to run the install scrpt which tells me I do not have a wp-config.php file. But one has been uploaded.
    All the database information is correct. I have checked, doublechecked and rechecked this information.
    I’m pretty sure everything is running. The install script just doesn’t understand I have uploaded the wp-config file.

    khlara: what did you use to unzip the downloaded file? Are you on a pc or mac or a linux box? Or something more exotic like freebsd? When you unzip the file you downloaded, you should see in the wordpress folder the following sub-folders: wp-admin, wp-content, wp-images, and wp-includes. In the wp-content folder you should see the following folders: images, plugins, and themes. Each of those folders will have numerous files inside them.

    If none of that happened when you unzipped the downloaded distro, please post back, and I’ll give you a link to where you can see which file goes in which folder so you can put things where they belong on your server. Until files “live” where wp expects to find them your wp-config.php file won’t work….

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