• My rss feed is valid. My posts showed up on one queerfilter.com for a few days, then stopped showing. Now none of my new posts show. queerfilter may be having it’s own problems. (but other blogs show daily posts just fine.)

    I recently switched themes, to a Kubrick based design called Random Banner. The rss is listed a little differently-the new theme uses-

    <a href="feed:<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a>

    and the other theme (Placid by Chris Lin) uses-
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" title="<?php _e('The latest comments to all posts in RSS'); ?>"><?php _e('Comments <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr>'); ?></a>

    I decided to copy the second into the firsts place to see if my posts show tomorrow. But if anyone knows why the first is not working, I’d like to learn why. (also, the link on the first does not go to an rss feed. But I didn’t question it because my feed validated. But maybe this one list needs a diffferent approach.)


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  • Moderator James Huff


    feed: is a new protocol which, once fully implemented in feed readers and browsers, will launch your default RSS reader and either subscribe you to the feed or check for updates. Currently, since feed: has not been fully implemented, clicking a feed: link will probably produce an error or a blank page. Removing the feed: from the link (which you did by copy/pasting your old code) is the solution.

    Thread Starter dtclarinet


    Thanks for the explanation. It helps to know why, not just what works! D (I hope it also solves the mystery of the broken feed link to queerfilter)

    Thread Starter dtclarinet


    I’m still not getting read by queerfilter. I saw some other posts which suggest this format-


    What about the link to the commentsrss2? substituting that word for rss2 above didn’t work.

    where does this go? in the “footer.php” file? (I put it there and it seems OK. but don’t know if queerfilter will find it)


    Thread Starter dtclarinet


    I ended up just changing the link to a direct path /wp-rss2php and /wp-commentsrss2. I changed them in the footer.

    Where does wp “ping” from?

    What other places do I need to “dumbdown” the feed protocol until the feed: protocol becomes more common?

    Moderator James Huff


    Where does wp “ping” from?

    It pings from itself. If that wasn’t the answer you were looking for, please be more clear.

    What other places do I need to “dumbdown” the feed protocol until the feed: protocol becomes more common?

    If this is your site: https://glitteringstew.com/muse/ then you only had to make changes to the footer.

    Thread Starter dtclarinet


    In the header.php file there are two meta links at the top

    <?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>
    <?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>

    Should these be changed? The list I want to ping has to be pinged with the exact address as it appears in my list info. -…/muse
    But this php call comes up with some /muse/xhml.php url

    I went ahead and tried it (copying the original to another file for back up)

    I changed the links to direct paths for both. The rss2 validates fine with the above changes. And pingomatic did fine with the direct links substituted for the above php call. (Please let me know if this change may create any problems)

    Moderator James Huff


    No, don’t change those two lines in the header.php file.

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