• Имам 8 сайта на платформата WordPress и на нито един не тръгва, както трябва. Нямам намерение да добавям нови редове в кода на php. Няма смисъл да го сваляте, защото няма да ви тръгне. А ако наистина ви трябва много, можете да се обърнете към нас на e-mail за да ви инсталираме. емайл: [email redacted]

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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Hi there,

    I have translated your message with Google translate: https://translate.google.com/

    I have 8 website platform WordPress and of none goes as it should. I do not intend to add new lines in code php. No sense to remove it because you will not leave. And if you really need a lot, you can contact us by e-mail to your install.

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve run into issues. Unfortunately, without knowing more about your site and the errors you encountered, I can’t really help.

    Can you please use Jetpack’s Debugger module to send us some more information about one of your sites?

    1) Go to the Jetpack page in your dashboard.
    2) Click on the Debug link appearing at the bottom of the page.
    3) Click the link that says “click here to contact Jetpack support.”
    4) Fill in the description box and your name and email address.
    5) Click the “Contact Support” button.


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