• Сама идея хорошо, но смотрится очень убого: поля кривые, заголовки кривые. Вдобавок нельзя открыть профиль пользователя. Вообщем. ужас. и за дополнения к этому дерьму еще хотят денег. да идите в жопу!

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  • Translated:

    The idea itself is good, but it looks very miserable: the fields are curves, the headlines are curves. In addition, you can not open a user profile. In general. horror. And for the additions to this shit they still want money. Yes, go to the ass!

    I’m sorry you had a negative experience here.

    It sounds very much like you had some kind of conflict going on with AWPCP and the other plugins or theme you have installed. However, I don’t see that you submitted any support requests with us to discuss the issue. We would have been happy to help you with things and work through the issues. If you wish to try things again, we’d be happy to help if you’d please describe what is going on in more detail. It’s hard to guess from the brief description in the review.

    We do support user profiles with BuddyPress, but it’s unclear if you tried that or had it installed (it’s through a premium module). As for the others, I’m not sure what “titles are curves” means in this case.

    Here is an article about how to test for theme and plugin conflicts with AWPCP, which may help pinpoint the issue: https://awpcp.com/forum/faq/how-to-test-for-plugintheme-conflicts/ That may help you understand what is going on instead.

    If you need support in the future, please open a support thread on this forum or our main one here: https://awpcp.com/forum

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