• Hi there. I got this message this morning when I tried to continue some work on my site. I had not attempted to log in. The message seems odd/unusual, especially with the styled ‘X’

    ? Too many login failures, you are temporarily blocked

    I have tried renaming/removing my limit login attempts plugin to see if that was causing the issue, but no change. I’m not sure what to do now. I left it alone all day to see if it would lift, but many hours later, it hasn’t. I need to access my site urgently.

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  • lisa


    have you checked to see if you have been hacked

    any unusual users in your dashboard or database?

    any other security plugins in use?

    have you contacted your webhosting to see if there is any security in your hosting account that might be creating the message?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by lisa.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by lisa.
    Thread Starter 21cb


    Sucuri says nothing detected. I can’t view my dashboard but I’ll check the db.

    Thread Starter 21cb


    No, nothing unusual. I’m really stuck on this one. It doesn’t look like any similar issue I’ve had in the past.



    make a backup of files and database

    then: assuming it’s a plugin that is triggering the lockout, can you rename your plugins folder temporarily to Plugins-old to deactivate all?

    *rename folder using FILE MANAGER in webhosting account or via FTP access.

    if renaming plugins folder opens the access to your WordPress Dasbboard, you can reactivate plugins one by one to see if any cause the problem again.

    otherwise, ask your hosting provider if there are any special security features that might be involved

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