• Resolved stumur


    Hi Guys,

    I’m really sorry for the bother. If I move from 1.18.2 to 1.22.1, I get a critical site error. Could you shed some light on this for me please? P.s. it happens every time I update this plugin. Just this plugin – no other ones ever hiccup.

    Thank you, Stu

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by stumur.
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  • Plugin Support Saurabh – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @stumur

    In this type of scenario some additional info will be required. Could you upload the server error logs in a shared location such as Google Drive, One Drive or Dropbox? Then please add the link to the resource in this thread. This information will help us provide more precise support for this issue.

    Also please add the following info if possible:

    • The WordPress version of the site
    • The PHP version
    • The results of a plugin conflict test. (You’ll need to create a backup of the site, and share the results when deactivating all plugins, except Forminator and then try to update)

    Please reply on this thread with the recommended information, our team will be glad to provide further assistance.

    Kind regards


    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @stumur ,

    We haven’t heard from you for over a week now, so it looks like you no longer need our assistance.

    Feel free to re-open this ticket if needed.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter stumur


    Sorry for the delay in replying. I’m using WP 6.2, PHP8.1, and when I de-activate every plugin except Forminator, then update Forminator to the latest version, the site still crashes. Not sure how to get server logs, but I’ll try to figure it out and send you a link.. but is this above info helpful enough? Thank you.

    Thread Starter stumur


    Sorry.. I meant PHP8.2..

    Thread Starter stumur


    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @stumur

    This is actually a bit strange. There’s quite a lot of warnings/notices in the log but those don’t seem related in any way to the crash and shouldn’t really affect Forminator/update also.

    There is, however, a single Fatal Error reported – and that would cause crash.

    That Fatal Error is a memory allocation error, meaning that code on site tries to use more memory than it has available. The error points to this file of WordFence plugin


    but I would hesitate to put the blame on WordFence. Quite often (in most cases actually) such errors are the direct cause of the site crash but are not cause of the actual issue. In other words – site crashes because of that error but the error happens “because of something” and is what we need to find out.

    That being said, I checked and the line 50 of that file (to which error poins) is this code

    $tmpContents = file_get_contents($tmpFile);

    This is trying to read temporary file (entire file at once) in order to – I quote from the code comment – “verify file has finished writing (sometimes the disk will lie for better benchmarks)”.

    All in all, it would mean that upon update there’s an issue with reading some/one of the files (that may in happen to be related to Forminator) that causes this code to “go wild” and use up all the memory. I’m not sure what exact Wordfence feature (aside the fact that it’s WAF) this code is related too and what are the settings of your server PHP but it is possible that simply increasing PHP memory limit would help – that is, if this is happening only due to the complexity of the site and/or size of some file

    That said, this all is under assumption that the error in log matches Forminator update time.

    But I’d also suggest making sure that the server has free storage space available, and double-checking file/folder permissions.

    You also mentioned that you have disabled all the plugins – but was Wordfence for sure entirely disabled? If you are using Wordfence for a long time (years) you may still have a “lefover” configuration – back in the days plugin used to use additional file and call it via .htaccess/.user.ini file directly (so it was executed even if the plugin was disabled) – this would be worth checking as well.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter stumur


    Thanks so much Adam, that’s such a fantastic reply – it’s a pity I don’t understand much of it! I’ll run it by my Server’s tech staff and see if they can make sense of it and what I should do next.

    Thanks, Stu

    Thread Starter stumur


    My server hosts worked out it was because I was running the latest version of PHP (is it 8.2 now?).. Anyway, they dropped my site back to PHP7.2 and the update now works without any site crashes.

    Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @stumur,

    Glad to know the hosting support was able to resolve the issue.

    However, it is strange that the PHP version was causing the issue. To check this further, I tried to update Forminator from version 1.18.2 on a test server with PHP version 8.2 but was unable to replicate the issue.

    I hope it was a temporary glitch that caused an issue on your website. I am marking this ticket as resolved. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any further assistance.

    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

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