• Resolved Rocksolid

    I’ve tried maybe 5 times to do a clean install of 1.0 and everytime i run the install-config and enter my database info, i get led to this message:
    “It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php.”
    This page is the install.php so it just links to the same page…a never-ending loop.
    Can anyone help?

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  • hey, i got the same problem, but is with upgrade.php instead.

    Did you create the MySql database (before using the install script) and change the necessary values in wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-config.php?
    I dont quite understand what you mean by “i run the install-config”.

    but the prob is that, if we are upgrading from b2 0.6.1, are we suppose to run install.php first or we can straight away run upgrade.php
    The readme.html is not tt informative.

    Works fine for me on a clean install.
    Still am a bit cynical abt the upgrades as my backend is not letting me take backups of the databases… ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Got the same message here.. I’m on a test environment running WinXP and OmniSecure 3.0 as my webserver, PHP 4.3.4 and MySQL 4.0.12-nt here. PLEASE HELLLLP!!!

    I seem to have the same ‘loop’ problem when I get to running install.php.
    To Laughing Lizard: the install of 1.0 now includes s cript to create the wp-config.php file for you.
    The first step is to run install-config.php, this sets up wp-config.php, then you are supposed to run install.php to ste up the dtatbase, but some of us are getting stuck in loop here it seems.
    Anyway, the wp-config.php file was reated properly AFAICS.
    Win2k, Xitami 2.5 webserver, MySQL 3.23.52-nt, PHP 4.2.3

    Okay, I tried that again on another server and it still has the same errors.. ??
    The lines in the wp-login.php are those, that send cookies for the login and somehow, this seems to be a problem with the Apache..

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Hi – I’ve run into the same loop problem with a “It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php.”
    I’m running MySQL 3.23.47-nt and PHP 4.3.3 on Windows XP IIS – replicated in IE6 and NS7 and with a clean install as well as an upgrade.

    i found a work around.
    open wp-settings.php and comment off this line
    [code]if (!$wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $tableoptions LIMIT 1") && !strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'], 'install.php')) {
    die("It doesn't look like you've installed WP yet. Try running install.php.");
    }[/code]It should work well

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    I tried the wp-settings workaround but now i get sql errors saying the tables can’t be found. My mysql is all correct and everything has the right permissions but the script didn’t make the tables.
    Any ideas?

    The workaround will only work (and will only be needed) if you already have b2 tables which you are upgrading. Rocksolid…try changing the wp-config.php manually

    argh, still cant. I shall uograde to 0.72 aqnd from there to 1.0
    really disappointed with the upgrade script for version 1.0. It was all fine on the upgrade script for 0.72

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    They took off the 0.72 download…anyone know where to get it?

    Gamerz tip got me past the It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet. Try running install.php. line int he upgarde script but the upgrade script first throughs up
    SQL/DB Error:
    [La table ‘chris_test.b2options’ n’existe pas]
    SELECT option_name, option_value FROM b2options
    then if I just click through the steps The script then makes b2options (it appears in the mysql db) and fill it with data but when I go to the blog I get the same eror I was seeing with the CVS versions…
    SQL/DB Error:
    [Manque de mémoire. Redémarrez le démon et ré-essayez (65500 octets nécessaires)]
    SELECT DISTINCT * FROM b2posts WHERE 1=1 AND post_date <= ‘2004-01-03 15:43:42’ AND (post_status = “publish”) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 20
    IE out of memory – it can still access the DB as it lists my links but it allegedly can’t see any of the 40ish posts in my blog
    https://www.ads-software.com/support/3/1505 I suspected that it may be a mod_rewrite problem but turning on mod_rewrite on my server has done nothing ??

    OK – after having problems installing on Win XP – posted as Anon. above…
    Installed on MySQL 3.23 on Apache 2 running on OSX 10.2.8 – PHP 4.2 or better, I think.
    Installed fine, although for the first three pages of the install the top if the page showed:
    SQL/DB Error
    [Table ‘wordpress.wp_options’ doesn’t exist ]
    SELECT option_name, option_value FROM wp_options
    Final page fine, and everything wonderful on my OSX install – nice work Matt and the team!
    So – phpAdmin to dump the SQL from my OSX MySQL installation and upload to my PC MySQL database – a little light editing for path names and the Win XP install is up and running – almost perfect, but ther is an error on every page printed at the bottom:
    “get_settings: Didn’t find setting comment_allowed_tags “
    It sounds like to partial fix/work around above ($tableoptions test commented out) is on the right track – foxed by the difference between XP (IIS) and OSX (apache2) though – there is some OS and browser sniffing going on in the code that might be feeding the wrong flags?
    I’m off to run an install on a virtual server and see how that goes…

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