Okay, now this is a working solution for Blix theme in WordPress 2.1, based on jakeanders’ snipplet.
In header.php, replace lines 35 to 61 (as given by jakeanders, beginning with
<li<?php if (is_home())
and ending with the three }
) by following code:
<li<?php if (is_home()) echo " class=\"current_page_item\""; ?>><a href="<?php bloginfo('url')?>"><?php _e('Home'); ?></a></li>
<?php wp_list_pages("title_li=&depth=-1&sort_column=menu_order");?>
In spring_flavour.css replace line 81
#navigation .selected,
#navigation .current_page_item,
This is very much what Jakeanders said, but preserves a permanent home link. Also, I removed a typo in Jakeanders’ code. Note that I followed Jakeanders in including translation for the home link. If your language file has a translation for “Home”, this will be translated. If you want it exactly as in Blix 0.9.1, i.e. without translation, replace
<?php _e('Home'); ?>
by the word Home or whatever you want for your home link.