I had the exact same problem, and it turned out to be a conflict with the theme I was using (Lowstream). You can check out the thread I had going here:
Basically, since the theme used prototype.js, and WordPress 2.1 used prototype.js, there were some issues. The folks at Lowstream gave me a fix ( you can check it out via the post above), but basically, it’s:
For those that are more technically inclined, I’ve discovered the cause of the issue and have corrected it internally. The jist is that the new modifications to the WordPress WYSIWIG editor use a Javascript file named prototype.js. Anyone who’s ever looked around in Lowstream’s assets would know that Lowstream uses a file by the same name, but with different code. I order to make the Lowstream header gallery function properly, Lowstream’s Javascript needs to be injected into the WordPress ACP header every time any of it’s functions load (it’s not the best solution, but the WordPress devs don’t make things very easy). In this case, since both files have the same name, Lowstream’s prototype.js was overriding the one used by WordPress and since there’s a difference in code, we got errors.
All in all, this has been corrected internally and will be rolled into the 2.2.4 release.
But, for those that are looking for an immediate solution; I can tell you how to go about changing Lowstream so that this issue no longer occurs. You’ll need the following:
* FTP access to your website.
* A good text editor.
* Some very basic knowledge of how to get around in PHP files.
1. Okay. First things first. Go to your Lowstream folder and open the file functions.php in your text editor.
2. Find the line 34, which contains a call for prototype.js.
3. Replace prototype.js with pt.js (this is what I’m using internally at the moment).
4. Save the file and upload it.
5. Now, go into your lowstream/js folder on your webserver and rename prototype.js to pt.js and then save it.
6. You’re done.
To get mine to work properly, I also had to go into pt.js and do a search and replace – “Prototype” to “Pt” and “prototype” to “pt”. Not sure if the initial caps were necessary, but the WYSIWIG works like a champ now.
Good luck,