• Resolved mfassier


    So yesterday this started to happen to people checking out with their credit card via PPpro. The amounts are passed correctly if one checks out with Paypal, you land on the PP page with proper amounts. If you enter your CC info, the cart complains with 10427-Shipping total is invalid. For some reason the three decimal in shipping calculation is not being rounded off resulting in PP refusing the call. Not sure where to go from here… This is a big deal right now, we have a bunch of orders failing and people p*** off because of it. Any assistance appreciated.

    This is the order’s message in WC.
    PayPal Pro payment failed (Correlation ID: whatever). Payment was rejected due to an error: (10427) “10427-Shipping total is invalid.”

    04-25-2015 @ 11:40:34 – Processing order #2954
    04-25-2015 @ 11:40:34 – Do payment request Array
    [DPFields] => Array
    [paymentaction] => Sale
    [ipaddress] => xx.xx.xxxx.xx
    [returnfmfdetails] =>

    [CCDetails] => Array
    [creditcardtype] => Visa
    [acct] => ****
    [expdate] => 062018
    [cvv2] => ****
    [startdate] =>
    [issuenumber] =>

    [PayerInfo] => Array
    [email] => [email protected]
    [firstname] => Test1
    [lastname] => Test2

    [BillingAddress] => Array
    [street] => Street
    [street2] =>
    [city] => City
    [state] => QC
    [countrycode] => CA
    [zip] => J0L 1N0
    [phonenum] => xxx-xxx-xxxx

    [ShippingAddress] => Array
    [shiptoname] => Test1 Test2
    [shiptostreet] => Street
    [shiptostreet2] =>
    [shiptocity] => City
    [shiptostate] => QC
    [shiptozip] => J0L 1N0
    [shiptocountry] => CA
    [shiptophonenum] =>

    [PaymentDetails] => Array
    [amt] => 152.77
    [currencycode] => CAD
    [insuranceamt] =>
    [shipdiscamt] =>
    [handlingamt] =>
    [desc] =>
    [custom] =>
    [invnum] => 2954
    [notifyurl] =>
    [recurring] =>
    [taxamt] => 19.9
    [shippingamt] => 13.871
    [itemamt] => 119.00

    [OrderItems] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [l_name] => xxxx
    [l_desc] =>
    [l_amt] => 119.00
    [l_number] => x-x-x
    [l_qty] => 1
    [l_taxamt] =>
    [l_ebayitemnumber] =>
    [l_ebayitemauctiontxnid] =>
    [l_ebayitemorderid] =>


    [Secure3D] => Array


    04-25-2015 @ 11:40:35 – Request: Array
    [USER] => *****
    [PWD] => *****
    [VERSION] => 112.0
    [BUTTONSOURCE] => AngellEYE_SP_WooCommerce
    [SIGNATURE] => *****
    [METHOD] => DoDirectPayment
    [IPADDRESS] => xxxx.xxx.xxx.xx
    [ACCT] => xxxxxxxx
    [EXPDATE] => xxx
    [CVV2] => xxx
    [EMAIL] => [email protected]
    [FIRSTNAME] => Test1
    [LASTNAME] => Test2
    [STREET] => Street
    [CITY] => City
    [STATE] => QC
    [ZIP] => J0L 1N0
    [PHONENUM] => 514-xxx-xxxxx
    [AMT] => 152.77
    [INVNUM] => 2954
    [TAXAMT] => 19.9
    [SHIPPINGAMT] => 13.871
    [ITEMAMT] => 119.00
    [L_NAME0] => Caleo
    [L_AMT0] => 119.00
    [L_NUMBER0] => xxx-xxx-240-02
    [L_QTY0] => 1
    [SHIPTONAME] => Test1 Test2
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => Street
    [SHIPTOCITY] => City
    [SHIPTOZIP] => J0L 1N0

    04-25-2015 @ 11:40:35 – Response: Array
    [TIMESTAMP] => 2015-04-25T15:47:56Z
    [CORRELATIONID] => xxxxxxxx
    [ACK] => Failure
    [VERSION] => 112.0
    [BUILD] => 16204765
    [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10427
    [L_ERRORCODE1] => 10413
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE1] => Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Shipping total is invalid.
    [L_LONGMESSAGE1] => The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error
    [L_SEVERITYCODE1] => Error
    [AMT] => 138.90

    04-25-2015 @ 11:40:35 – Error Array
    [0] => Array
    [L_ERRORCODE] => 10427
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE] => Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
    [L_LONGMESSAGE] => Shipping total is invalid.
    [L_SEVERITYCODE] => Error

    [1] => Array
    [L_ERRORCODE] => 10413
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE] => Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
    [L_LONGMESSAGE] => The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
    [L_SEVERITYCODE] => Error



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  • Plugin Contributor angelleye


    We’re working hard to get it done by this week/weekend.

    Hi Angelleye, I am getting the 10427 code as well. I don’t have any rounding calculations, only setting is base shipping by weight. How’s the update coming along? – Thanks

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @tallydigitalbiz, during testing we ran into a few other bugs we’ve been working out. WooCommerce calculations are just so sporadic in how they sometimes round, sometimes truncate, etc. We’re almost there, though, I promise!

    Just checking on status of forthcoming update… thanks.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @danaxelrod, the latest updates that were released should resolve any issues you were having this. Have you updated to the latest version and you’re still having the same problem?

    @angelleye, thanks – I didn’t realize the new update was released.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Yes, it should show up in your WP Plugins page like other updates. I recommend you glance at that on a regular basis so you can keep everything up-to-date.

    Let me know if you have any problems after updating. Thanks!

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